4 Tips To Convert Leads Into Sales

Many startups, product companies and organisations spend a lot of money on their marketing in order to generate leads which would help their business.  However, generating a ton of leads is not going to help anyone if they are not being realised into sales.  In an ideal world, all the leads get converted into sales but that is however a very remote possibility in today’s world.  However, there are ways to amplify your leads into sales by following some time tested tips. 

1) Do not make leads wait

Most organizations make the mistake of getting to the leads in twenty four hours but the problem with leads is that they go cold in as soon as an hour.  The most likely reason for a cold lead is the lead might have moved on to a competitor.  Therefore, leads need to be handled by a team which can immediately get on to working on them.  Having a Google Business account will make it easier to respond to queries immediately and another alternative can be automating query replies by having a bot show relevant information for the queries asked.  

2)  Build good testimonials and reviews.

The key to clinching a sale is most often a good review or a testimonial for a product.  Having reviews which detail the ins and outs of the product will offer a much needed perspective to a lead.  This in turn will nudge the lead into making a quicker decision to make a purchase.  While there is a risk of having negative reviews, make sure those reviews are taken into consideration and the mistakes rectified.  Good reviews also indicate your organisation is an authority on the subject/product.

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3) Offer an incentive

A potential customer is browsing your catalogue but is unsure about making a purchase, an incentive would most likely be able to clinch the deal.  Offering a free gift with a purchase or a time sensitive discount will increase the likelihood of a sale happening.  Another incentive is to offer a discount in the form of a cashback if the lead is able to bring another prospective customer.  This means you not only have a sale but also another prospective lead.

4)  Asking for the sale

A business has to ask the lead for a sale in order to push the lead into making a decision.  However, the process of asking should not be overt so as to scare away the lead but should instead be put forward in a way that it benefits both the buyer and the seller.  Adding call to action items like a ‘buy now’ button or an ‘add to cart’ will act as an invitation for the customer to convert on your online page.  Asking for a sale on a telephone can be done in such a way by letting the lead know about the product they have shown interest in during their buying process.  The lead can be convinced of the legitimacy of the sale by letting them know of what problem the purchased product can solve for them.

As the technology advances and with information available to customers at the touch of a button, it is more than important to convert a lead into a sale.  Businesses must go through countless iterations of sales pitch modifications to understand what works for their product or service.  While there is no perfect road map for converting a lead into a sale, following the above mentioned tips can definitely help in realising a sale.

The post 4 Tips To Convert Leads Into Sales appeared first on Startup Stories.

Author: Sampath Pavan Kuppili

Source : https://www.startupstories.in/tips/4-tips-to-convert-leads-into-sales

Date : 2020-09-11T05:55:35.000Z

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