List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators

List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators

Pinterest has always known to be a platform where creators and their work shine, the creators and businesses are the main part of the Pinterest community. Over the past few years many creators have been using Pinterest to showcase their work or business in a way that inspires people.

Especially in the times of the Covid 19 pandemic people and small businesses are using Pinterest for inspirational ideas to be occupied with the new normal way of life. The creators on Pinterest are known to be expressive, inventive and unique and different from the influencers on other social media platforms, like Instagram.

This is why Pinterest has recently come up with many tools and resources, which will help Pinterest Creators grow, get recognized and reach their audience. The platform also has a Pinterest academy that gives free online courses for creators with business pages so they master technical and back-end parts of their creative highlights. Pinterest academy helps the creator to tackle their campaign objectives, build and launch a campaign and reach their target audience.

Addition of Creative partners
Story Pins
Analytics and measurement tools
Pin Builder
Rich pins validator
Pinvolve and Pinalerts
Pinterest Widgets
Frequently Asked Questions

A Brief about Pinterest

Pinterest is a popular American social media platform that is designed to enable saving and discovering of information and ideas. The users save content or pins which can be in the form of images, animated GIFs and videos, and make pinboards (categories) out of them.

This app was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp in 2010 and has its headquarters based in San Francisco, California. As of 2020, Pinterest is known to have over 400 million monthly active users. The same year, the company introduced story pins and creator profiles, to make it easier for its highest profile users to show off their projects and grow their following.

Currently, Pinterest is taking more steps to support their creators by launching a creator’s fund that will pay a small group of influencers to create content for the platform. The funds are said to provide over $500,000 in cash, to eight creators and then adding more creators to the program throughout 2021.

It also introduced a new set of policies for its creators called the Creator's guide that require them to fact check and create an inclusive environment. Most tools mentioned below will help the creators save time, get better results (according to more pins, repins and traffic) and be consistent.

List of the tools made for Pinterest Creators are:

Addition of Creative partners

The Pinterest partners program offers creative specialty partners such as Adobe Spark, Snappa, PicMonkey, Over and Canva. The services and tools from these platforms can be used by creators and small or medium businesses to create, design and publish pins on their business accounts. These platforms are experts in content development and help users in designing creative images which will be posted as pins.

Story Pins

List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators
Pinterest Story pins

Story pins allows its users to create their own pins, format their videos, voiceovers and image and text overlays. Story Pins turn ideas into creative stories, are posted directly and presented to users looking for inspiration. Similar to Pins, this new story format can be saved in boards and remains visible along the way, unlike Instagram’s stories that have a time limit.

Analytics and measurement tools

List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators
Pinterest Analytics Tool

Pinterest is launching new analytics tools in the engagement tab, in order to help the creators of business accounts to track the progress and performance of their pins over time. The users of business accounts can find statistics on their individual pins or even open the redesigned analytics dashboard which allows the users to check further details of content performance.

The engagement tab also allows its customers to interact with users and respond to their comments. Tools on the engagement board like impressions and Escrow are used frequently by the creators. With the help of these tools the creator can know which pin or category engages their audience the most.

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List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators

Pin Builder

List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators
Pin Builder

Pin builder gives the users of business accounts multiple easier and faster options to crop images, add their logo and add text overlays to the pins. The pin builder helps the user to add more context to your pins in a personalized manner so that the pins are recognizable and attract more people to their profile to find more. Many new fonts have recently been added by Pinterest so the creators can further customize their pins.


Buffer is one of the most unique tools that Pinterest offers, it allows the users to find images from any website and then add it immediately to your Pinterest schedule. They are some things that a buffer does really well like creating a posting schedule and easily adding images to your queue.

Buffer allows its users to post their pins on multiple networks such as Twitter, Facebook, or even LinkedIn accounts at the same time. The Buffer tool however, comes at the price of $10 per month for unlimited pinning and is available for free for seven days.

The main benefit of buffer tool is that it saves time, the user must simply head over to their schedule tab, schedule the days or the specific time they want post. Then add the content to the queue and let Buffer do all the hard work for you.

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List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators


List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators
Tailwind Website

Tailwind is a complete Pinterest management tool that helps creator with some analytics options and schedule similar to Buffer. Besides scheduling and checking stats, it allows creators to analyse their competitors, check for what's trending, top repins and even find the most influential followers.

Tailwind is also not free and costs $10 per month with a free trial. The tool is specifically designed for Pinterest and is a necessary tool for marketing your business on Pinterest. To use this tool the user must create a tailwind account and then connect it to their Pinterest account.

It performs similar to buffer when it comes to scheduling but has additional features like “pin inspector”, where the creator can check how the individual pin performed. Another feature of tailwind is that the user can see which board has a high engagement and which board should be focused more upon. This tool will replace 2 or 3 smaller tools.


Viraltag is another popular option for scheduling the pins for the creators of Pinterest. Through Viraltag, the user of the business account can browse from a pre-selected set of images or even upload their own image and schedule them according to their preferred date or time.

This tool can be used for other social media app like Twitter and Facebook, etc. and costs $29 per month. Similar to other scheduling tools the user must first create an account, then adding the Viraltag bookmarklet to your browser.

From there, whenever you open page with images, you can click the bookmarklet and select the images and schedule them to your liking. This tool is said to be best for users that typically post images that are created by other.

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List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators


List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators
PinGroupie Tool

PinGroupie is a allows creators to find and join particular group board on Pinterest, and later contribute to those boards. Pin groupie is free, and offers other options like sorting boards by popularity so you can see the boards with the biggest following, pins or likes.

Some boards are known to have over thousands of members and PinGroupie allows all the members to contribute towards the same board. The members can post more than hundred of pins after you get accepted to join the group.

Through PinGroupie the users can search the database for groups that fit their particular niche. While searching for the groups, this tool gives you the option to filter them by category, title or even description.


Loop88 is especially for Pinterest creators that have big following and engaged audience. With the help of Loop88 influencers on Pinterest can reach out to advertisers and brands who want to spread their message on Pinterest.

The main reason to use this tool is to increase exposure, repins and get more followers. Loop88 was created to connect popular pinners to marketers or advertisers. By doing this the Pinterest creators can generate some revenue depending on how popular the creator is.

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List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators

Rich pins validator

Rich Pins are not like normal pins as they have the greatest number of shares, repins, and likes. Rich pins are usually images that have usefully information for the users. Topics such as places, articles, products, recipes and movies have more possibilities of become a rich pin.

In order to get rich pins to show up when you pin content from your site, the user must open graph the user has to Open Graph Schema Markup on their articles. Once the user does that, Pinterest will pull information from those meta tags to use.


Pinvolve helps in saving time especially for the creators who share a lot to Pinterest and Facebook. Pinvolve is an easier way to convert Facebook posts into pins and vice versa by placing their Pinterest pins on their Facebook page.

The pro version which is $9 per month does this automatically, while the free version requires a bit of manual work. PinAlerts on the other hand, will send the creator an email notification wherever someone pins content from the user’s website or the website of a competitor.

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List of Top 14 Tools for Pinterest Creators


IFTTT stands for If this, then that, this tool helps in automation in the area of marketing. The tool is free and can be used for most social media sites. The advantage of using this tool is that the user gets to set up his own command or action on how they want their content to be posted.

After connecting two social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest, the tool will automatically post any picture you post on Instagram onto a Pinterest board depending on the action.

Pinterest Widgets

Pinterest widgets has a wide range free tools that are the most important for a Pinterest creator/influencer. This tool will create attractive widgets for your website, the creator can choose from a variety of different widgets already present in the tool.

Then click one of the boxes to select a widget, after that the tool will generate a code that a user can copy paste onto their website. With the help of this tool the user can add their Pinterest profile as a whole or as a single pin on their website or blog. The five widgets that Pinterest offers are pin it button, follow button, pin widget, profile widget and board widget.


Pinsmatic will help you create a good-looking pin out of anything it can add text, songs from Spotify, a twitter profile, map location and many more. Pinstamatic will build the image automatically for the creator, so they can share it immediately to Pinterest.


Pinterest is one of the social media platform for people who are creative and want share their art with others. The tools above will help these creators become Pinterest Influencers in a short period. It will also allow any Pinterest creator to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their pins and reach their target audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a popular American social media platform that is designed to enable saving and discovering of information and ideas.

Who are the founders of Pinterest?

Pinterest was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp in January 2010.

How many users does Pinterest have?

As of 2020, Pinterest is known to have over 400 million monthly active users.

What are the tools that can be used by Pinterest creators?

The tools that can be used by Pinterest creators are

  • Addition of Creative partners
  • Pinstamatic
  • Pinterest Widgets
  • Story Pins
  • Analytics and measurement tools
  • Pin Builder
  • Pinvolve and Pinalerts
  • Rich pins validator
  • Loop88
  • PinGroupie
  • Viraltag
  • Tailwind
  • Buffer

Author: PV Vyshnavi

Source :

Date : 2021-08-26T05:30:00.000Z

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