How B2B startups can use trending content growth hacks to increase their business

B2B growth hacking can be very daunting. Unlike B2C, the target audience may consist of more than one decision-maker. Their cluster channels are more limited in terms of the scope for certain kinds of creativity.

A content growth hacking strategy is necessary to supplement other efforts when trying to find organic leads for your business. After all, you don't want to be pouring all your revenue down the acquisition drain.

A common problem I've noticed is the excitement among startups to start content hacking as soon as possible. However, neglecting the basics always ends up puncturing the growth balloon.

Growth hacking is an amazing strategy to use, but without having the fundamentals of brand marketing in place, it will fail more than succeed. This means making sure that you have a web presence wherever your audience hangs out.

They should be able to find you on the web. And once they do, your website should give them all the possible information about using your product.

Fill the gaps in consumer awareness and create content anticipating their needs. Have your SEO done right, and don't chase trends blindly. Google updates favour websites that bring value to users; Moz and Hubspot are thriving examples.

Pay attention to email marketing. For B2B, it continues to rule the roost as the most effective conversion channel. Add an opt-in popup or banner, and make sure the emails are getting delivered.

Nowadays, merely sharing your new blog posts without delivering value to the inbox will get you unsubscribed. That is where you need to focus your efforts once the basics are in place.

Once your bases are covered, we can move on to using the trending hacks and tweaking them to suit your business. 

There are many content hacks out there, but which one is right for your business? You have to look at the channel requirements besides the niche specifications.

For instance, LinkedIn blogs will sound very different from blogs on your website. The kind of posts that work on Instagram may not work on LinkedIn, assuming that your business is even suited to Instagram.

Once you have designed the right growth hack for a particular channel, test it extensively and gather data. The key to growth hacking is experimentation with analysis.

Using video content

Video content is booming in popularity. Many complex topics can be tedious to read, especially in drier B2B niches. Videos can make them bite-sized, and the visual nature may even serve as a more effective call-to-action. There is a reason why many B2B companies are turning to YouTube. 

You can also consider webinars targeting single-point influencers within the businesses that will become your leads. This is the go-to hack for marketing tool businesses, which could work out well if your product can revolutionise the industry.

Cold emailing to a fine art

B2B cold emailing when done right has a pretty good conversion rate. But, you have to pick the right kind of email strategy. Newsletters are a common B2C tactic that may work for you too.

However, remember that your emails have to deliver value to keep people from unsubscribing. Therefore, keep it clean, concise, and end with some form of engagement. The days of hard selling are over. Now, content has to educate a discerning audience.

Using data and demonstrating ROI

Just as you want to do growth hacking to save on painful marketing budgets, your potential clients want your product to bring them returns. Give them hard data, substantiating the value.

Much like you will use data to decide which initiatives to keep and the ones to drop, add data wherever it can work in your content. Numbers do grab eyeballs.

At the end of the day, growth hacking is concerned with reaching the right people, not just many people.

Also, keep in mind that the best growth hacks aren’t siloed. Content works closely with design, UX, sales, and every other stakeholder. It’s a team effort, and cross-functional insights can help you come up with smarter hacks.

Edited by Suman Singh

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

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Author :- Vaibhav Sisinty ( )
August 19, 2021 at 11:34AM

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