6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind

6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind

The power to convince someone to change their mind helps you in developing the business and to solve interpersonal problems. These may be helpful in arguments and in getting clients for the business. Sometimes people may fall into the pit while convincing someone to change their mind. To avoid certain pitfalls, one has to maintain a few things which help to convince someone to change their mind in a better and long-lasting way.

How to Convince Someone to Change Their Mind


How to Convince Someone to Change Their Mind

Changing someone's mind is difficult, and one argument alone won't usually do the trick. But if you know how to make persuasive arguments and go about them the right way, you'll have a higher chance of successfully convincing someone. Studies have shown that more than 70% of people get convinced by friends and family rather than an unknown person. Following these steps, you can increase your chances up to 90% of convincing someone.

Build Connection

6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind
Build Connection

The first thing that you need to do to convince someone to change their mind is to build a connection with them. In a conversation, you can easily forget the goal to connect with the other person and sometimes collaborate with them. So, aim to connect first. How can you do that? Try to understand their need, interest, and concern.  You have to know what is important to that person. Seek to understand first than to be understood.

Be a good listener

6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind
Be a good listener

Let them speak first. Show your interest in listening to them. Don't meddle while they're speaking. In dealing with critical situations of convincing a person, one should listen to the problem or the issue that he/she is explaining.

Gain Trust

6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind
Gain Trust

With trust comes the willingness to consider your viewpoint. Give them a reason to trust you. Be honest with them.  Some people can’t get the point that speakers are trying to convey to them. Cite examples or true incidents, if needed. You can talk about some respected or recognized person with whom they can relate to. And once, you gain their trust, it increases the probability of getting convinced. They would listen to you more than others.

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6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind

Speak their language

6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind
Speak their language

Speak their language to make them understand. The words used in convincing should align with their desires and preferences. If you want to change their mind, frame it in such a way, that it could influence their mind in one go. You can persuade a child in their language but the same tactic won't apply to adults.

Motivate them

6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind

You can motivate them on their ideas.  The best way to help people change their own minds is to first show them how they are right. This way they feel more attached to you. Make them feel happy about doing the thing you suggest.  Motivating through the words helps the person to convince easily. You can give them multiple reasons for doing what you want them to do.

Be Confident

6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind
Be Confident

This is very important when trying to convince someone to change their mind. Before speaking to a person one should have clarity and confidence in the speech they are going to deliver. Be confident of what you speak so that the person in front of you can rely on your words. How you deliver your message can make someone more receptive to hearing you and changing their mind.

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6 Ways To Convince Someone to Change Their Mind


How to get someone to change their behavior?

  1. Accept Imperfections.
  2. Modulate your Own Emotions.
  3. Change Yourself First.
  4. Be an Example.
  5. Avoid Criticism, etc.

How to change a person's mindset?

  1. Social modeling
  2. Signal credibility
  3. Social norms
  4. Avoid blame and focus on growth.
  5. Respect autonomy

How to change our mindset and attitude?

  1. Grab those bad thoughts.
  2. Take time to notice your thoughts.
  3. Replace the bad thought with the truth.

Can we change someone's mind?

It's not that easy but you have to use a good strategy that best resonates with your particular detractor.

What causes a person to change?

A person's behavior can change gradually throughout life depending upon the nearby surroundings, his mood, or maybe mental illness.

Can toxic people change?

Yes, they can change too. However, they must see their part in the problem before they are likely to find the motivation to do so.

Author: Piyush Mishra

Source : https://startuptalky.com/ways-convince-someone/

Date : 2021-07-09T12:30:00.000Z

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