How is AI being used in Fashion Industry?

How is AI being used in Fashion Industry?

It's 2021 and the fashion industry is no more about just making and selling clothes. Anybody who thinks that they'll set up and good-looking website with tons of choices and hope that customers will follow is living in La La Land.

It doesn't work like that anymore. The fashion industry is leveraging the latest advancements in technology to boost sales and clientele. Social media is flooded with DIYs, small fashion brands, and fashion giants so it's safe to say that the market is booming with options for customers.

Brands are shifting towards AI to make their voice heard and stand out from the clutter. AI (artificial intelligence) is globally recognized as the future for basically everything. Although it is still at a very young stage it is estimated to grow substantially in recent years. From automated messages to attention-grabbing notifications, from suggesting sizes to customers to building preferences, fashion brands all over the world are using AI to their benefit.

Demand and Supply Projection
Automated Clothes Sorting
Inventory checks and Re-stocking
Designing Clothes
Personalized Recommendations

Here's how AI is being used in the Fashion Industry:

Demand and Supply Projection

Brands like H&M are sitting on huge amounts of unsold clothing that will lead to lost money. This happens because nowadays brands focus on producing bulk clothing as per the latest trends which go out of fashion swiftly, making room for new trends and thus, production of more new clothes. This costs brands a lot of money and also contributes to wastage.

Brands are now using AI to predict sales according to trends, product type, color, price, and range factors. This is helping brands minimize the extra product and generating increased revenue as there's lesser money being wasted. Returns are also reduced due to smart prediction of demands.

Automated Clothes Sorting

Sorting and arranging clothes can be a difficult task as it requires labor and time. Most warehouses have people doing in for you and they cannot work 24/7. It is also costly and ineffective. Therefore, big brands like GAP are testing AI to sort clothing for you according to size, color, or preferences that can be just put into a box and shipped to your house via a drone. Through deep learning, the robot can be trained to handle fragile items like sunglasses more gently than jeans.

How is AI being used in Fashion Industry?
AI Robots used for Sorting Clothes'

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How is AI being used in Fashion Industry?

Inventory checks and Re-stocking

Malls and stores are being monitored by a camera that tracks the product that is out of stock. They can automatically inform the manufacturer about the shortage. To make it even more efficient, the functioning is such built that they scan data to confirm whether the same product is lying in some other store and being sold so that it can be brought in another store. This reduces wasteful manufacturing and saves money.

Designing Clothes

Yes, you read that right. Your clothes might be designed by a robot rather than a human. Popular online fashion retailers like Amazon and Myntra are using AI to generated designs for clothes.

One of the brands on Myntra, Moda Rapido, sells clothes designed by robots. They take inspiration from data about customer preferences and social media trends. Fascinating right? We thought we are far from robots and here they are designing clothes for us.

Moda Rapido grossed the highest profit margins compared to the other 14 brands in Myntra's portfolio. Next time you wear a top or a dress, be sure to check the designer.

How is AI being used in Fashion Industry?
Use of AI for Designing Clothes

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How is AI being used in Fashion Industry?

Personalized Recommendations

The AI is making the lives of fashion retailers easy by providing them sorted data as per the likes of the customers. Earlier, we would see the clothes and find out what works for us but now, we get recommendations of clothes that we might like. This is done by AI by carefully analyzing previous orders and finding out color, style, and size preferences.


AI is changing the future of the fashion industry for the better. It is proofing to be more sustainable, cost-effective, and user-friendly. But they will also cost many employees their jobs, not only in the lower posts but also as up as designers. Let's see if robots can be great designers. For now, it can be concluded that we are much closer to the age of robots than we'd like to think.


How AI is used in fashion industry?

AI is used in fashion industry to help improve efficiency of manufacturing processes. AI systems are also used to spot defects in fabric.

Which industries use AI the most?

Healthcare, Education and Marketing are the sectors that employ AI the most.

Can AI design clothes?

Fashion designers are increasingly using artificial intelligence to design clothes as a tool for innovation.

Author: Pooja Uniyal

Source :

Date : 2021-06-04T05:30:00.000Z

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