Google Ventures' top-funded startups

Google Ventures' top-funded startups

There is almost no big company or enterprise that didn't start from scratch. From Tesla to Apple to Pixar, most of them started off with a great idea, lots of effort, and a small garage. With every passing day, entrepreneurs come up with amazing startup ideas and newer methods to implement them. This, however, is easier said than done, since startups need both funding and support along with immense hard-work in their initial days to be successful. As part of its funding program, Google has helped some of the top startups, and some of those startups have become well-known companies.

This is where equity and venture firms come in. If they find the idea behind a startup reasonably adequate, they make the initial and much needed investment in the startup. Blackstone and Apollo Global Management are some equity investment firms, while Google Ventures is a venture investment firm. But before knowing what startups are funded by Google, lets find out how funding works.

How Startup Funding ?
Google Ventures
Startups Funded by Google
Magenta Therapeutics
Farmer Business Network
GV funded startups - FAQs

How Startup Funding Works ?

Apparently, there are certain different kinds of funding based on factors such as startup valuation, its customer base, strategy, revenue model and other technical factors. These funding are categorized as follows:

  • Pre-seed Funding- This is the most early stage of a startup, and the funding here is mostly the initial investment in the idea, and is done by the founders themselves. This stage isn't even officially included in the funding rounds, however, it is where a startup begins.
  • Seed Funding- This is where the first official investment for a business or a venture is made. Seed funding helps startups take the initial steps towards making their products. While the failed startups never go beyond this stage, the one's that do, proceed to the Series A round.
  • Series A Funding- Once a startup or company has surpassed Seed round, has an established user base, and offers its services or products, they can opt for Series A Funding. This is where startups can use the investment money to further optimize their product, and raise anywhere from $2 million to $15 million.
  • Series B Funding- After Series A, this round helps a business to advance to the next level. If the company has justified the initial investment with a strong customer base and valuation, Series B funding helps to take the business to the next level. The investment in this round can range from $30 million to $60 million.
  • Series C Funding- The businesses which are already successful and are looking to build new products to touch newer markets are funded in this round. The companies in this round may also acquire startups, and the investors and founders in this round look for exponential growth. The valuation of companies in this round can range in hundreds of millions.

Although there can be more funding rounds corresponding to the alphabet, these are particularly the one's where most startups reach. There is also a private equity funding away from public markets in which private companies can finance startups privately.

List of Top Indian Venture Capital Firms and Investors to fund Startups
Some of the businesses are to make predictions, which is tougher than you canthink. There is a trend to spot a pattern and predict future functionalities andsuccess. The job of the Venture Capital (VC) executives is to spot the trend andinvest in aspiring and growing startups. For example, Flip…
Google Ventures' top-funded startups

Google Ventures

Google Ventures is a venture capital investment firm of Alphabet, the parent company of Google, CEO is David Krane. Renamed to GV, the primary objective of Google Ventures since its conception has been to back founders with a vision for the future of entrepreneurship. GV has funded over 500 portfolio companies, and is in constant search for new and industry changing ideas and startups.

GV flaunts a team of founders, physicians, and other professionals, who have been in the startup ecosystem for long, and understand it more than most people. This team of specialists, engineers, advisors, and fund operatives help GV to solve challenges and deliver feedback to create better services. GV invests across all stages and sectors, with a focus on enterprise, life sciences, consumer, and frontier technology.

Startups Funded by Google

Google Ventures' top-funded startups


American software company Slack Technologies developed the proprietary business communication platform Slack. Slack offers a number of IRC-style features, including persistent chat rooms organized by  topic, private groups, and direct messaging. Google ventures invested $110.8M in October 2014.


Who in the digital world isn't aware of the most popular cab service Uber? It has turned out to be one of the most popular cab booking services around the globe, and both cab drivers, as well as people who need them use it on a regular basis. It is a consumer service and has also set its foot in the food delivery services. Uber has offered quality, door to door service and continues to do so by constantly introducing safety features in its Community Guidelines. Uber has been Google Ventures' biggest investment to date. Google ventures has invested approximately $1.8 Billion in Uber.

Dara Khosrowshahi: CEO of Uber | Iranian-American Entrepreneur
Overcoming the odds in life is more than a test. Dara Khosrowshahi is one suchindividual whose journey to fame and prosperity was imbued with challenges. Bornin Iran, his family moved to the United States after his father was detained byIranian authorities for six years. Having served as the CEO …
Google Ventures' top-funded startups


Medium is a blogging platform that suggests viewers blogs through smart algorithms. World class publications and experts publish their blogs on different niches, and viewers can choose their preferred subjects to read the latest research papers, articles, and blogs. The popularity of Medium attracted Google's interest and they invested. Medium currently flaunts its user base of 170 million users and counting, with the writers including journalists, authors, experts, and individuals.


As described by Google Ventures, StockX is the world's first 'Stock Market for Things'. This is an online marketplace where both buyers and sellers put forth the bidding and asking amount, and as soon as both of them meet, the transaction takes place. The marketplace that StockX offers can be used to sell any sell-able product from sneakers to watches; all you need to do is sign up.

Best Alternatives for Stripe Payments for Making and Accepting Payments
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Google Ventures' top-funded startups
Stripe Alternatives


Stripe is one of the most popular payments processor for online transactions and in mobile applications. Today, millions of online and offline businesses from startups to bigger enterprises use Stripe as their payments processor. Be it Software as a Service, an online platform or your marketplace, Stripe can be used in all these cases either through the software or its API.

"Stripe is the best way to accept payments online and in mobile apps." says Google Venture.


GitLab is a DevOps platform that accelerates development through collaboration and automation. With various organizations relying on its source code, CI/CD, and security, GitLab offers powerful automation with real-time security and vulnerability management. Moreover, GitLab is trusted by some well known industry leading companies including Nvidia, Siemens, and Drupal.


A leader in eSignature transaction management, DocuSign has become an industry and global standard for eSignatures. DocuSign gained popularity with the help of Google. DocuSign has garnered a user base of over 500k customers, and over hundreds of millions of signers. DocuSign was introduced and established based on the fact that most modern businesses will need to go online and hence the online document management needed to be taken into consideration.

Software as a Service (SaaS) Revenue Model
For customers, the benefits of the SaaS model are clear. It brought lowercosts, lower commitment risk, and a try-before-you-buy model, which gavecustomers a remarkable opportunity to assess a product before making a purchase.Indeed, the benefit is so clear that a 2017 study conducted by BetterCl…
Google Ventures' top-funded startups
SaaS Revenue Model

Magenta Therapeutics

Magenta Therapeutics is a leading expert in harnessing stem cell biology for safer transplants. It endeavors to reset a patient's immune system through stem cell transplant to cure diseases such as blood cancer. It is also developing novel medicines through commitment and excellence. Also, Magenta is revolutionizing medicine through precisely removing disease causing cells and revamping stem cell mobilization.


OneMedical is currently trying to reinvent healthcare with innovation and technology. As of now, OneMedical offers and schedules in-person or over video appointments, 24/7 on-demand video chats with a virtual medical team, over 90 drop-in lab services, along with COVID-19 testing and care. Moreover, OneMedical acts as an employee benefit partner for over 7000 companies.

19 Innovative Health Startups in India | List of Top Healthcare Startups
The hunger for success makes you forget about health. You might be engrossedwith your startup but don’t work yourself to death for a bright entrepreneurialfuture. A wise man once said that health is wealth[]. The healthcare sector is growing rapidl…
Google Ventures' top-funded startups


Zipline is a company that delivers life-saving medicines and drugs to the remote and previously unreachable parts of the world using electric planes. It makes precise, on-demand and critical deliveries, wherever and whenever needed, with safety and reliability. The access to on-demand delivery is made global, owing to Zipline, and it seeks to replace the traditional delivery system with customer centered and cutting edge technology.

Farmer Business Network

Farmer Business Network is a tool that helps farmers understand and enhance their crops and yields with advanced insights and real-time data analysis. It is a global Agtech company and seeks to help farmers reduce production costs, maximize crop yield and output, and make informed and confident decisions when it comes to crops. Farmer Business Network can help farmers manage contracts, select seeds, monitor fields, and organize operations with premium crop marketing and financial services.

GV finded startups - FAQs

What is Google Venture (GV)?

Google Ventures is a venture capital investment firm of Alphabet, the parent company of Google, CEO is David Krane.

How many companies has Google Ventures funded?

Google Ventures has funded more than 500 companies. Some of them are Uber, Slack, Sharpe, DocuSign, Medium.

What are the sectors Google Ventures invest in?

Google Ventures invests across all stages and sectors, with a focus on enterprise, life sciences, consumer, and frontier technology.

Author: Ansh Mehrey

Source :

Date : 2021-06-04T17:00:00.000Z

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