If you think about a place where everyone loves to be, feel safe and secure, and prefer to stay there forever, that would be a mother’s arms and comfort zone. Well, being with mom is nice however, if you’re someone who’d love to give your mom, yourself, and your family a comfortable life, it is imperative to learn how to tear your comfort zone apart.
Success is not a comfortable procedure and neither is breaking our bubble. We live our entire lives doing the same job, chilling with the same set of friends, family, monotonous routines. Doing these ‘Same’ tasks periodically over and over again will bring you the ‘Same’ boring results every day. Before reading further, question yourself, do you want to break free and change your life or stay the same?
How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
The 5 Second Rule By Mel Robbins
“You’ll Never Feel Like Doing It” By Mel Robbins
Make Your ‘I can’ More Important Than Your IQ By Robin Sharma
How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Breaking the comfort zone isn’t comfortable, you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Put some extra on ordinary and you get extraordinary. That’s the only way. You have to walk the extra mile yourself without anyone having to push you. A student shouldn’t expect a rank when he/she is willing to break a coconut before the exam and not study. One has to pull uncomfortable night outs while studying more than your classmates to get close to your targets.
Rich don’t get rich overnight and neither do rich people sleep 8 hours a day. That’s a ⅓ of our ordinary life. When you wake up at 11 am in the morning, the stock market’s already been open for 2 hours and people have already taken their decision for you while you were sleeping.
Your wildest desires, your most ambitious goals, and aspirations begin right when you break out of your comfort zone. You and only you have to program your mind for success. When you get comfortable being uncomfortable you easily face many fears that you once thought you wouldn’t.

"There is no nobility in poverty. I’ve been a rich man and I’ve been a poor man and I choose Rich every single time" -Wolf of the wall street. This mindblowing movie quote simply explains how your pragmatic life needs to be. You cant be the richest entrepreneur of the unicorn club if you don’t dream big and make your dream a reality. The only one stopping you is you. Nobody wants you to stay in your bed all day. It’s you who is staying there. Thinking about your problems and mistakes which are stopping you to get out of bed.
Here’s a simple logic by Gaur Gopal Das "If you don’t laugh at the same joke twice why do you crib about the same problem twice?". Success is all about your perspective. You are bound to make mistakes. In fact, if you’re on your way to success you’ll be making more mistakes than everyone combined and that’s what will take you ahead as you’ve already broken out of your comfort zone. No gender, time, situation, person can stop you from what you wish you to do. It’s only you who decides to make it or break it.
However, to actually go about it, it’s imperative to know how to break out of your comfort zone. To do that, we’ve cumulated a few tricks and mindset tweaks for you to get out of bed and make your bank account as big as your phone number.

The 5 Second Rule By Mel Robbins
Each one of us has a snooze button inside us which we press every time we see a minor inconvenience. A car break of sorts. Every time we have an idea we hit the snooze button and delay the action required to fulfill that idea. We have thousands of ideas bubble up every single day but the moment we see minor inconvenience we hit the snooze button, immediately.
What is the first decision we take every morning? it’s simple. Going back to sleep. Yes, that’s literally the first decision we take every single morning. Having ideas is not the problem, hitting the snooze button and killing those ideas is.
In order to stop doing that, here’s a simple trick suggest by Mel Robbins, a renowned motivational speaker. She says, If you have an impulse to do something, do it within 5 seconds. If you don’t, hit the snooze button and kill the idea. But if you get up in those 5 seconds, you will do it in its entirety.
If you find an interesting person and you have the impulse to get to know them more, walk over there within 5 seconds and Talk! if you have the impulse to walk over the stage to dance, get up within the next 5 seconds. If you don’t you’ll be in your seat making excuses while completely depriving yourself of having a memory of a lifetime.
“You’ll Never Feel Like Doing It” By Mel Robbins
Another one of Robbins’s eye-opening statements, “You’ll never feel like doing it”.
If you think people who are trying their best to lose weight love to eat boiled vegetables and not yummy burgers, you’re wrong. If you think athletes prefer to get seriously injured on the field instead of staying cozy in their blanket in winters, you’re absolutely wrong. She simply says, you’re never going to feel like doing things.
Nobody wants to take the extra step to be extraordinary. Realize that you’re never going to feel like doing things that make you uncomfortable. Nobody wants to do hard things. If nobody is doing it, you should definitely do it and break out of your comfort zone.

Make Your ‘I can’ More Important Than Your IQ By Robin Sharma
Our brain runs in two modes: Manual and Autopilot. And our brain loves to mindlessly work in autopilot mode. It hardly loves to feel conscious and run on manual why? because it a tad bit difficult and we always hit snooze. Whenever a minor inconvenience arrives we think that we aren’t smart or equipped enough to do the task.
Realize that you saying a simple ‘I can’ and committing to it is much more important than you being smart enough to do the task, trust yourself. Commit to task by simply saying I can and your mind and the free internet will get you tons of step by step blogs and videos for you to do your job.
The Difference Between You And The Richest Man On The Planet
24 hours. That’s it. The difference between you and the richest man on the planet is the 24 hours and the way you use it. You use the same 24 hours to sleep and mess around they use the same 24 hours working hard and smart to be the richest man on the planet. You’ve got to decide if you’re willing to break your comfort zone and utilize your 24 hour like them.
When you read 1 self-help book a year, an average CEO reads 60 books a year. You’ve got book shops literally everywhere. You can order one on amazon right when you finish reading this article or read a pdf for free the question is, are you willing to do it? Excuses are not an option anymore.
Are you willing to break out of your comfort zone Within 5 seconds by not hitting your snooze button and committing to it by saying ‘’I can?’ if you will, just do it.
Here’s a tiny list of Books, Movies, YouTubers recommended for you to get started, motivated, and take upon the world!
- Wolf of the wall street (Movie)
- Never back down (Movie)
- Gary V (YouTube)
- Robin Sharma (Preferably all Books)
- Atomic habits By James Clear (Book)
- Power of your subconscious mind By Joseph Murphy (Book)

How to overcome fear in life?
Ways to Overcome Fear and Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
- Take nothing for granted
- Switch up your routine
- Move toward your fears
- Give up control
- Try something new until you feel comfortable
- Ask the questions other people don't like to
What does it mean to step out of your comfort zone?
It means doing things that you don't feel comfortable with doing. Getting outside of your comfort levels.
Why do we love to stay in a comfort zone?
Human beings build comfort zones everywhere they arrive. These are places where you can safely relax, and where your basic needs are met. And because of this, you can direct your attention to other aspects of life besides survival, which is human connection and self-development.

Author: Himangi Khare
Source : https://startuptalky.com/breaking-comfort-zone/
Date : 2021-05-05T11:24:00.000Z