The sale of a product is impossible without the right kind of marketing. While ads and posters have gone a long way in catching consumers' eyes, things get a little difficult when it comes to converting a client to customer over a phone call.
The fear of being cheated has reduced the possibility of this chance significantly. However, it is not a dead end. It only means that the ways you put forth the product have to be changed. Here are a few effective to covert your client to customer during a phone call.
Basic Research and planning
Positive contrast of the product
Make your point in 60 second or less
Hype it up
Personalisation of information
The Right choice of words - Psychological Approach
Follow up your client
Be supportive
Respect their Rejections
Basic Research and planning
Before calling your client, do some basic background search about the client as well as your product. It can be as vague as their hometown or organisation. Make sure to use it during your call.
Have a plan on the things you must prioritise. Give importance to striking pieces of information that set your product apart from others. Only later go to the explanations of the features. The plan should be inclusive of your tone, attitude and even your choice of words. Make sure you have all the pre requisites well in advance.
Positive contrast of the product
The first and the most important thing you need to do is create a positive aura around the product. It should be done before you start to convince the client. They should feel that the thing you are trying to sell is inherently good and is not made to ‘appear’ good for the sake of the sale. This is a great way to start.
Make your point in 60 second or less
The first thing you need to understand is that the reputation of such calls is very less. Only a crisp and intelligent addressing of the issue can catch their attention and time.
Ask if they have some time to spare. And then make your point in less than a minute. In that 60 seconds, you should be able to brief the client about everything from the product’s nuances to customer services. This will simplify the process for them, at least mentally, and they will be more open to further explanations.

Hype it up
The beginning of the sales call determines your success in making the client convert to your customer. Begin with a bang! Make your product sound like the most relevant thing that the client requires.
You can cite its current relevance along with the future benefits, which will be more attractive. The key is not to give fake promises to the client but to convey the highlights of your product in an extravagant manner.

Personalisation of information
Make sure to portray the product as if it is tailor-made for them. People love to be taken care of and validated. Validating their identity is a good gesture in their regard. Maybe you can say something like, “Considering you are a person interested in so and so, I really do think this product will add value to it!” Or something on the same line.
The Right choice of words - Psychological Approach
The choice of words can make a significant impact on the client. Make your speech in such a way that it creates a vibe of encouragement. Buying your product should not feel like a financial liability to the person. For example, using the word “buy” will make them feel dejected. Instead try using the word “purchase” or “invest”, it will create a different psychological effect which will aid in the sale of your product.

Follow up your client
An important aspect of any customer-company relationship is the bond that is created. Try to follow up on the issues shared by the customer. Repeating their words in your speech will definitely make an impact.
Try to keep the conversation alive by validating their words and sharing your inputs regarding the same. Here, you have to ensure that the conversation does not get diverted to some other topic while you try to follow up.
Never forget the saying that Customer is King. Definitely, they are. So don’t try to impose anything on your client, or you will lose a prospective customer. You might have made a mental target from a client when you call them.
Even if they fall short of it, never force them to meet your targets. For example, you might have wanted the client to purchase 15 shares but they are only willing to buy 10. In such a case, don’t push them to make it to 15. After all, something is better than nothing.

Be supportive
As far as a firm is concerned, the customer is an asset for life. It is important to take care of their future needs as well. This aspect needs to be addressed even before they agree to buy the product itself.
If you are able to convince the client that you will be there with them for any further assistance or that there is a customer care wing for addressing their queries, it will increase the chances of them buying the product. No customer wants to be clueless.
Respect their Rejections
As mentioned earlier, a customer is one whom you have to keep close to forever. So, a rejection at one stage does not mean a complete closedown of any further contacts.
Minute things like your way of presentation, the way you respect the client will all increase your chances in the future. So, when they say no, respect it and don’t push them too much.
The chances are that, next time when you call regarding a better product, they would already have a good image about you and your company. Thus, they will feel like trusting your words.
How do you approach a new client on the phone?
The most important thing when approaching a new client is, Have all of their information in front of you and Be able to make a commitment.
How do you start a conversation with a client on a call?
Ask a question that is not related to the sale or Praise something they did, these are some of the great ways to start a conversation with a client on a call.
What is telephone etiquette?
Phone etiquette is how you represent yourself and your business to customers via telephone communication. This includes the way you greet a customer, tone of voice, word choice, listening skills and how you close a call.
The end idea is to get your client to be a customer. It is not a one day affair. So, plan ahead, give them their space and hype your product in the most extravagant manner possible.
Author: Anagha S
Source : https://startuptalky.com/effective-cold-calling-techniques/
Date : 2021-05-29T07:56:30.000Z