Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business

Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business

Every business owner and entrepreneur understands the importance of customer satisfaction. Happy customers can either make a company or break one if their demands are not met.

This is why much of a company’s resources are dedicated to customer support. Satisfied customers are key to the smooth running of any business. However, in order to satisfy your customers, you first need to communicate with them.

Assuming you have an online presence on multiple platforms, how much time do you think your team has to spend logging in and out of social networks to respond to different customers?

Not only is switching channels a pain for your team, but you might also miss out on important comments and messages that will in turn damage your customer support.

However, there is good news. Juphy to the rescue!

Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business

What is Juphy?
Juphy - Features
Juphy - Pricing
Juphy - FAQ’s

What is Juphy?

Juphy is a tool that allows companies to manage their customer support and engagement services on social media from one inbox. To put it simply, Juphy enables users and companies to simplify the customer service experience and saves time for support teams.

It also allows users to manage and respond to all social conversations in a unified inbox.

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Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business

Juphy - Features

Single Inbox

Juphy has a single unified inbox where users can respond to their audience’s queries and comments. If you are an agency you can also create different workspaces for multiple brands and manage all their social channels in one platform.

You will be able to quickly respond to comments, direct messages, reviews, emails, and mentions from one dashboard with a single click.

Team Collaboration

Having multiple support team members log in and out of platforms makes it a messy task to manage. Juphy makes this process simpler by making teams work together without having to juggle between platforms.

Add team members to Juphy to collaborate on customer tickets and engagements in real-time. Provide faster and better service to your customers without missing a message.

If your company is outsourcing support, you can even gather, call-center, agency, and remote teams in one place.

Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business
Juphy's Team Collaboration Dashboard

Organized Inbox

Organizing messages in a way that you can respond to them as soon as possible is key to good customer support. Use the auto-tagging feature to set rules to automatically classify incoming messages based on keywords and act on specific customer interactions.

You can also search for specific customers or topics to quickly find a message across multiple social platforms.

Easy communication

Good communication is the only way to a customer’s heart and wallet. Juphy makes it easy to communicate with customers by allowing you to respond to ticket requests and social messages directly from the dashboard.

You can also communicate with your team members directly on the platform making it faster and easiest to solve customer inquiries.

Communication Tools Every Startup Company Should Use
Efficient and seamless communication is the key to a successful startupbusiness. The most effective communication tools are those that are easy touse—in other words, they don’t require a lot of technical expertise, they’reeasily customizable, and, best of all, they are easy on your business budge…
Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business

Juphy’s Insights

Juphy’s detailed reports help users manage their entire customer support workflow. It allows users to view stats like number of tickets, messages sent, resolved and average first response time to get a better idea of how your customer support team functions.

Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business
Juphy - Insights dashboard

These reports make it easier to see where there are opportunities to improve things like productivity and response time to achieve ultimate customer satisfaction.

Juphy - Pricing

Plans and features

  • Lifetime access to Juphy Business plan
  • All future Business Plan updates
  • Stack up to 15 codes
  • GDPR compliant
  • Unlimited history
  • Collaboration

Single/ Lifetime - $59

  • All features above included
  • 15 channels
  • 5 users
  • Access to all core features

Double/ Lifetime - $118

  • All features above included
  • 30 channels
  • 10 users
  • Access to all core features

Multiple/ Lifetime - $177

  • All features above included
  • 45 channels
  • 15 users
  • Access to all core features
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Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business

Juphy - FAQ’s

Where do you backup your data?

All data is securely stored in the Netherlands. The web-server providers are DigitalOcean Inc. and MongoDB, Inc.

Do you support IMAP / POP3 accounts?

Custom email integrations are number one priority in the public roadmap. A development team is currently working on it and are planning to launch within the next 2 months.

Do you have a Slack integration?

Yes, Slack integration is available for notification purposes. You can be notified of your new messages on Juphy through Slack.

Do you support Instagram DM's?

Facebook recently released their closed-beta for Instagram Direct messages. Already contacted Facebook and we are going to implement it as soon as they allow to do so.

Do you have a white-label feature for agencies?

It's one of the top priorities in the product roadmap

How can I change my workspace name?

1) Click on your workspace from the top left

2) Click "Teams"

3) Click on the new workspace name in the middle screen and change it accordingly

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Juphy: A Sophisticated Customer Support Tool For Your Business


With Juphy, you don't need to fumble between browser tabs, remember passwords or input captchas just to respond to a customer. You can simply consolidate all your support requests and queries in one time-saving, cross platform social inox that takes team collaboration a piece of cake.

Eliminate engaging with customers through  multiple platforms. Save yourself and your members time and effort by signing up for Juphy.

Author: Dev Kumar Padhy

Source : https://startuptalky.com/juphy-review/

Date : 2021-04-11T06:56:00.000Z

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