How Startups can help in Covid Vaccination in India

How Startups can help in Covid Vaccination in India

Covid has created a large negative impact on most of the industries in the sector. It has disrupted the economic activities in the country. Most of the sectors are being impacted due to the pandemic. Let’s look at how the various startups can help the government in the Covid-19 vaccination drive.

How Startups can scale up Covid vaccination drive
Role of IT in Covid vaccination drive
Role of Logistics in Covid 19 vaccination drive
How Government can utilize this data

How Startups can scale up Covid vaccination drive

Since the major sectors of the country have been disrupted due to the ongoing pandemic. There is an opportunity for the various startups to help the government in the Covid-19 vaccination drive. It is said that in every crisis there will be an opportunity.

The healthcare startups have a seminal opportunity in helping the government by aiding and facilitating the vaccination drive in the country. Whereas the other startups like healthcare, IT, logistics, etc. will have plenty of opportunities in various other activities.

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How Startups can help in Covid Vaccination in India

Role of IT in Covid vaccination drive

IT systems can play a really important role in the vaccination drive. They can help the government by playing a central role in creating and maintaining information related to the vaccination drive. They can do the enlisting and enumerating the people involved in the drive, they can keep the track of the number of dose intake during the vaccination drive of different people.

They can also use the various national IDs such as PAN card, Aadhar card, etc. to keep a number and to identify the individuals and their participation in the drive.

The IT sectors will have to ensure that the vaccination doses are delivered to the vulnerable and the critical sections around the country. They will have to combine their mapping applications and the startups will have to ensure that there is a coordinated vaccination campaign.

They also play an important role in identifying the genuineness of the vaccinations in the country. They will have to quickly detect it. They will have to identify the counterfeits and prevent the use of such counterfeits in the patients.

They will have to help the government in finding the source of such counterfeits and also use social media and other online sources to create awareness among the general public regarding the dangers that are caused by these fraudulent vaccines.

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How Startups can help in Covid Vaccination in India

Role of Logistics in Covid 19 vaccination drive

The logistics startups also play a very important role in the vaccination drive. They play a central role in fine tuning the appropriate delivery of the vaccines across the country. The logistics space in India has undergone a lot of developments.

The logistics in India have been innovating and adapting to the new technology to address the challenges faced due to the transportation. The new innovations and technology adaption in the logistic space can help the government in delivering the Covid vaccines to every nook and corner of the country in regular intervals.

How Startups can help in Covid Vaccination in India
Logistics market

The startups can also conduct various activities to share the social information regarding the Covid vaccine drive. They can help in creating trusted communities and categories people of the similar demographics, same geography or people with the same affinities.

These details can be used to discuss various factors which include the vaccination experience, after effects, opinions on the facilities and the actual process, best practices in the vaccination process and documentation on how to deal with the various aftermaths can be documented.

These can be used to share an opinion and be used to socialize for a larger ecosystem.

How Government can utilize this data

All the above details can be used by the government for a timely, granular and actionable plan to utilize it for the entire vaccination drive in an idealized fashion. The government can analyze various other factors such as which vaccinations to order, in administering the vaccines such as the ones that are imported and homegrown, where the vaccines are to be shipped and the logistical details of it.

They can also make decisions on whether to continue the vaccination drive or they will have to continue with a private partnership or public partnership. The government can also analyze the data sets and create vaccination drives in the most needed places and areas.

They can also redirect the resources such as financial and personnel according to the needs of the vulnerable section in the country.

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How Startups can help in Covid Vaccination in India


What is the COVID-19 vaccination drive in India?

COVID-19 vaccination drive has been initiated to cover healthcare and frontline workers and is to be scaled up to cover citizens above 60 years of age and and/or citizen above 45 years of age suffering from comorbidities.

How many people are vaccinated for Covid in India?

As of April, 8, India had administered 9,01,98,673 total doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Is there a shortage of vaccines in India?

Union health minister Harsh Vardhan had stated on that there is no shortage of shots in India. “All the claims of states are baseless and centre is supplying vaccines to all states equitably irrespective of the ruling party.


The startups can help the government in making the vaccination drives easier and carrying it forward more effectively. These are the various ways through which the Indian startups can help the government in Covid 19 Vaccination across the country.

Author: Alan Joseph

Source :

Date : 2021-04-15T07:15:38.000Z

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