Chavi Agarwal: Writing CV Made Easy With CView

Chavi Agarwal: Writing CV Made Easy With CView

From homemakers to entrepreneurs, women all around the globe have come a long way to break through the societal norms. Times have changed and women are now steadily embarking on the remarkable path of entrepreneurship. They are now leading with positive belief and confidence. The Indian corporate world has also witnessed the impact of these efforts.

Chavi Agarwal is an inspirational entrepreneur and the Founder of CView. Nowadays, it’s a tough grind to cope up with the growing pressures of global job markets and hiring competition. The recruitment process is now technology-driven and getting automated to a massive extent. This calls for innovation and adopting a different approach when applying for jobs. And CView is the answer. CView is a career- technology company which combines artificial intelligence and machine learning to power the first ever end-to-end ATS compliant CV service.

Chavi Agarwal - Founder and CEO of CView
Chavi Agarwal - About CView
Chavi Agarwal - Idea For CView
Chavi Agarwal - Main Objective of CView
Chavi Agarwal - Why CView?
Chavi Agarwal - Biggest Challenge as an Entrepreneur
Chavi Agarwal - CView Team
Chavi Agarwal - CView For Society
Chavi Agarwal - Advice For Budding Entrepreneurs

Chavi Agarwal - Founder and CEO of CView

Chavi Agarwal: Writing CV Made Easy With CView

Ms. Chavi Agarwal, the founder & CEO of CView, is an entrepreneur with experience in career technology and ATS software development. She did her Bachelor’s in Finance from Warwick Business School, UK. The fire to be an entrepreneur and the urge to create something tangible for people around her led her to pursue a Master’s degree in Innovation Entrepreneurship and Financial Technology from Imperial College, London.

She has worked in eminent startups and and for one of the Big4s in the field of Mergers and Acquisitions. She has mentored more than 1000 students and given 100+ webinars across the globe. Moreover, she's an active contributor in the student and youth community.

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Chavi Agarwal: Writing CV Made Easy With CView

Chavi Agarwal - About CView

CView is in the Career-Technology space and has built India’s first end-to-end ATS-compliant CV Service to alleviate the issues candidates face. Some of these issues are the lack of awareness of ATS compliance and job-person fit equation. This results in unsatisfied and unmotivated candidates who end up with sub-optimal opportunities.

CView’s in-house Application Tracking System (ATS) has all the capabilities of any robust MNC-based ATS system. Its design and results are unmatched and CView claims to boost the customers' chances of getting an interview call from MNCs, MSMEs, and start-ups by 60%.

Chavi Agarwal - Idea For CView

Ms. Agarwal saw a huge gap in the market between the recruits and the employers. She noticed that students did not know the importance of an effective CV. It’s a known fact that every CV now goes to a certain software called the Applicant Tracking System; rarely do people review incoming resumes for shortlisting. She observed that maximum applications rejected across the globe were due to poorly prepared CV. After thorough market research, she concluded that existing services were generic and the same prototype templates were being circulated all over.

This is when she combined knowledge from her personal experiences. With her know-how of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, she started CView, a software development company that combines AI and human expertise to guide students in crafting a robust, noteworthy CV.

She built an in-house Applicant Tracking System to help in the process. Working on CView also revealed the dependence of the industry on manual methods despite the presence of a technologically heavy environment. CView's offering had to be internet-based since Chavi wanted to reach out to people from different nations.

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Chavi Agarwal: Writing CV Made Easy With CView

Chavi Agarwal - Main Objective of CView

Ms. Agarwal was determined to alleviate the problem of lack of right Job-Person fit and the unawareness around ATS compliance.

“Our endeavour is to train our software with machine learning so that it can replicate a recruiter's acumen to perfection. We also wish to remove any human interface in the CV building and checking process.” – Miss Chavi Agarwal, Founder and CEO

Chavi Agarwal - Why CView?

CView has three main Unique Selling Points (USP):

Its first USP is an in-house Application Tracking system developed by Ms. Agarwal. The system uses a database of more than 1,00,000 CVs and replicates an industry-grade ATS tool. All CVs curated by CView are end-to-end ATS compliant and have a minimum ATS score of 90.

CView is an extremely customer-oriented organisation and the second USP is CView’s personalised discussion and improvement calls with all users; the setup is for understanding their experiences and journey in depth.

The third and final USP is a comprehensive profile assessment sheet which is used to build CVs from scratch. CView is compassionate towards every customer’s professional journey and it aims to capture the essence of the same through the profile assessment sheet.

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Chavi Agarwal: Writing CV Made Easy With CView

Chavi Agarwal - Biggest Challenge as an Entrepreneur

As a woman entrepreneur, especially in Technology, she faced the following challenges:

People, investors, partners and collaborators kept second-guessing her commitment; hence, the longevity of the business. As a woman entrepreneur, she saw herself constantly working harder to showcase her passion, ambition, and her long-term vision. She found herself explaining vision and the enormity of it more than any male-counterpart would ever have to.

Secondly, people expect women to be working in women-oriented businesses and the challenge then is to constantly face an ongoing perception battle. What kept her going is the fire and the urge to provide a new and improved value proposition to the youth globally.

Apart from the above two points, CView has to continuously educate customers about the ATS as most people do not understand its importance. This results in high customer acquisition efforts and costs which is indeed a challenge.

Chavi Agarwal - CView Team

For Chavi Agarwal, CView is synonymous with her employees. She has carefully recruited and trained her compassionate and hardworking team. CView’s team consists of 23 back and front-end members. At the helm of the company are strong and powerful members. It's this dynamic team she owes Cview's success to.

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Chavi Agarwal: Writing CV Made Easy With CView

Chavi Agarwal - CView For Society

CView believes that there is nothing more rewarding than making a difference in the lives of people. Ms. Chavi Agarwal is a propagator of woman empowerment and CView donates 30% of its proceeds towards female education in India. CView has also hosts pro-bono webinars on the subject of women in entrepreneurship for different organizations and universities.

CView will also be hosting a "back to school" webinar for grade 12 students and for over 500 students studying in different government colleges to inform them about the importance of an ATS compliant CV.

Chavi Agarwal - Advice For Budding Entrepreneurs

"As a budding female entrepreneur, I cannot stress enough on the fact that you really do not need high investments or a million-dollar plan. You can leverage your skills, existing platforms, and tools available to create value and establish something you enjoy doing. We had a 0 INR investment and have a 92% profit ratio at the moment through our bootstrapping efforts. You just need the will and the urge to create value for people and address existing problems in the market. We are constantly told to innovate something unique, be disruptors, and create new markets to be called an entrepreneur. That is not true, you can be innovative in the way you tackle a problem by creating a new value proposition for the market." - Chavi Agarwal.

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Chavi Agarwal: Writing CV Made Easy With CView

Author: Avantika Bhardwaj

Source :

Date : 2021-04-06T14:30:00.000Z

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