For Akash Deep Goel, resilience is the key to overcome all of life’s hurdles

In a world of increasing complexity, Super Engineers owner Akash Deep Goel’s approach to life is straightforward. Since the time he was 12 years old, he wanted to be a part of the business that his father set up. . He takes pleasure in the simple things in life: Listening to old Hindi movie songs, drinking tea and coffee, eating his favourite dish of Aaloo Puri, spending time with his family, and going for occasional outings.

Akash recounts how his greatest achievement was winning a competition in the 10th grade. “The feeling I had (when I won that competition) has been an unparalleled experience,” he says, and cherishes the experience of growing up in Punjab. “There has been no match to its food, and the open culture of the people.” Akash hopes to visit Europe someday as it is peaceful and wants to visit a relatively developed part of the world.

His deceptively simple approach to living however, translates to a highly focussed and dedicated approach to his business. Akash’s prime motivation in the morning is to accomplish challenges that the day has set for him, and he looks forward to a good start in the export side of the business in 2021. For Akash, the fact that he can work with a computer and monitor all key business operations from there is his favourite part of the job, and a strength.

When it comes to an inspiring figure in real-life, it has been his brother-in-law. “I have seen him grow from the ground-up to new heights, and so I pick up a lot of lessons (from his journey). Key among them is to keep going ahead, and not worry much.”

From his experience as an entrepreneur, Akash believes that life has many hurdles and challenges, but resilience is the key to getting past them. “You must not give up, and keep at it... somehow you will learn and keep going ahead.”

When asked his definition of success, he said, “When you are known by most of the people in your city and those that are nearby, that is when you have attained success.”


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Author :- Siddhesh Raut ( )
December 31, 2020 at 05:45PM

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