Evolution of customer service in the new world

In a short period, COVID-19 has altered lives and daily routines all around the globe. Companies had to rethink their customer-care strategies and redefine their approach to enhance customer experience.

Particularly in unprecedented times like these, a company’s interaction with a customer can have a lasting impact on the relationship. Regardless of the state of the world, exceeding customer expectations is still something for which all companies should strive.

Businesses have adopted a new mode of customer servicing – digital and contactless customer service. For instance, COVID-19 has given rise to contactless deliveries to our doorsteps, which involves zero contact with the courier or food delivery agent.

While in-person interaction with customers was traditionally seen as the best way to attend to their needs, the new safety and hygiene norms have paved the way for contactless and digital customer service. Technology-enabled services are now both preferred and the required method of customer service that organisations must embrace and offer. 

Some important aspects to keep in mind when offering seamless customer service and thrive amidst the pandemic are:

Minimising touchpoints and visits

This pandemic has had a lasting effect on consumer behaviour, shifting priorities towards health and safety. While customers are re-evaluating the way they interact with organisations, demanding a whole new type of remote customer experience, organisations are also looking at technology to reduce touchpoints and service personnel’s visits.

Mobile-based applications are developed to address critical concerns and provide swift and transparent services. Similarly, in the vertical transportation industry, customers can access their portfolio’s entire maintenance report online via certain apps and services. The information shared is detailed yet simple to understand. Based on this report, one can limit the number of visits to a building by indicating whether an elevator needs immediate service.

Round-the-clock service

During the pandemic, the demand for great customer service and collaboration did not slow down. In fact, they have increased. Easy and constant communications between businesses and customers have never been more crucial. It goes without saying that uninterrupted services are especially vital for customers and products installed in critical industries and locations.

Similarly, elevators installed at hospitals and residential buildings require 24/7 customer service availability and attention. Customers perceive round-the-clock accessibility as one of the most treasured assets of an organisation and being able to deliver them with on-demand service and support paves the way towards loyalty and retention. 

Proactive maintenance 

“He who gives when he is asked has waited too long.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

The quote rightly explains the nature of proactive customer service. Proactive customer service is all about the ability to foresee customer issues and needs and addressing them even before customers detect it.

Now more than ever, companies have understood the importance of this practice and are proactively reaching out to customers to provide the information and reassurance they need.

By deploying the power of Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), many companies are now detecting potential issues and reaching out to the customer sometimes even before an issue arises. 

Leading vertical transportation companies are focusing on proactive approaches instead of reactive ones when it comes to servicing customers efficiently. These companies are deploying technology to forecast potential issues.

For example, some predictive maintenance tools can connect to elevators and notify building owners and field professionals of a possible issue. This prepares field professionals with more knowledge when they arrive on-site to work on elevators. Usually, this helps field professionals to come equipped with the right set of tools and parts needed to get the equipment up and running, thereby reducing downtime. 

Seamless customer service will be here to stay in today’s new normal environment.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

Link : https://yourstory.com/2020/10/evolution-customer-service-new-world
Author :- Sebi Joseph ( )
October 21, 2020 at 03:33PM

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