Yes, you heard it right SEMrush Social Media Toolkit which is one of the best Social Media Trackers at this moment has announced that it will be available for its user at zero cost. It has said that it will be free for its users and will help them provide free access to their products.
It is a great social media tool that combines all of the different types of functionalities and responds to our social media needs and helps us to make a better decision with a better amount of knowledge. It's a great Social Media Tracker that is the need of an hour.

It is a social media manager that helps us to analyze our and our competitors' strategy and performance on various social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. We just have to add the domain of our competitors' accounts and then we can tally their progress and also can compare ours. We can also get to know how they are doing on their front on various platforms and how can we help ourselves to perform and give better output. It will also help us to get to know what kind of content is most common among users nowadays and will help us to provide better content to our users.
It's just not another social media tracker as it has its unique way to provide better output and easing things out for its customers. This is a great social media tracker that provides you with various kinds of functions that will surely help you expand your reach to a large amount of audience. It helps to learn great social media strategies and help to plan out the processes to how to reach a large amount of audience.

Scheduling Of Posts
Posts that you want to share with your audience can also be scheduled as per your comfort. You just have to copy the link of your content which you want your audience to watch. Schedule the posting of your content according to your ease. Scheduling is a very important aspect as time plays an important role in getting a higher number of reach and views according to the demand of the audience.
It also allows the customers to create posts while surfing the internet, helps in the process of editing the images, making them better. Posts can also be taken from the CSV (comma-separated values) file and help to create a user-friendly environment. UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) can also be used by the users to search out for the traffic and get a good track on that.
Analytics and Insights

Analytics plays a very important role in giving us information about the reach of our content. It can be termed as the heart of every social media tracker. SEMrush being one of the best in this field provides you with this feature. It helps us to know which type of content is being mostly liked by the audience at a specific moment.
It also helps us in the tracking process of audience growth and helps us to analyze our mistakes. It also provides an excellent feature in which we get to know the age, country, and the time at which most of the audience is more active on the internet. This helps the user to know which group of people is impressed by his content and where he has to work to grow up his reach. It also helps to provide a greater look which helps the user to improve on his skills and content.

Tracking Of Competitors
It helps us in keeping the track of our competitors out their and how they are trying to work on their content. It helps us to learn from their failures and success. Helps us to differentiate between the do's and don'ts of social media marketing. This social media tracker helps us to get insights into what type of content the successful social media influencer is posting and what type of content is in demand by the audience in the market.

It also helps us to self analyze on our content and where we stand in the competing market. It creates a great learning experience and that too for free which is the best part of this toolkit. It also keeps the user updated weekly by emailing us the situation of the market and create up the PDF reports which makes the analysis easier for users.

Post Boosting

When the user has posted his content and is having trouble in reaching the maximum audience it helps the user to boost up the reach to a large number of audiences and helping each and every individual. It also provides the person to change the country or the region where the person feels that his content will be viewed and appreciated by more amount of audience. You can also get to know what is the reach of your ads and how is that helping to grow up your content.
Creating Ads
It helps the user to create ads at every stage of marketing no matter what is the position of the content which is the best part of this website. Even users can keep track of their low performing ads which does not have much reach as was expected by the user and it gives an option for optimization which helps in increasing the reach of the content.

It also provides to complete the work in a lesser amount of time as it helps in naming automatically and provide streamlined creation.
SEMrush has been one of the best social media tracker and has helped many great influencers to grow and create an impact on social media. Now, announcing free for its users will surely help in having more social media influencers who will help in providing us with a great amount of content and will help in booming up the social media marketing strategies. With zero investment people can benefit to a very large amount and create a great impact on the social front.
Author: Yash Raj Srivastava
Source : https://startuptalky.com/semrush-social-media-toolkit-free-now/
Date : 2020-09-13T14:20:00.000Z