If Lumen Bioscience achieves its goals, patients will be able to take its drugs the same way some people supplement breakfast: a spoonful heaped onto a bowl of cereal or mixed into juice. The startup harnesses spirulina, protein-rich cyanobacteria touted by many health enthusiasts as a “superfood.”
Lumen CEO Brian Finrow (pictured above, right) acknowledges spirulina’s health benefits, but that’s not why his company embraces it. Seattle-based Lumen turns spirulina into tiny factories that churn out therapeutic antibodies. Finrow says the Lumen technology overcomes many of the challenges of working with cyanobacteria. Research has yielded a crop of gastrointestinal disorder drug... Read more »
Author: Frank Vinluan
Source : https://xconomy.com/seattle/2020/09/02/lumen-bioscience-lands-16m-to-engineer-edible-antibody-drugs/
Date : 2020-09-02T21:10:15.000Z