Libra Strikes a Balance With Approach to ALS and Other Neuro Disorders

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has no cure and few available treatments but the past decade has revealed new knowledge about the pathology of the disease. Libra Therapeutics is turning that research into potential therapies, and it now has $29 million to advance its work.

While the exact causes of many neurological disorders are unknown, Libra President and CEO Isaac Veinbergs says one common thread is toxic proteins. These proteins may have proper roles and functions, but mutations or misfolding can lead to an unhealthy protein buildup that is toxic to the body.

The name Libra, which translates from Latin as “balance”... Read more »




Author: Frank Vinluan

Source :

Date : 2020-09-23T23:13:11.000Z

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