Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

Keyword research should be the very first thing for your SEO strategy. Before you write content, you need to get the high volume relevant search terms.

This is time-consuming work and also take lots of effort. But this very important to do it right. Keyword research would work as the foundation of your content development.

What do you mean by keyword research?

Keyword research is the method of searching for keywords. That will rank in the search engines. This about knowing and finding what the customers are searching for and how. This also includes comparing other keywords to find out the best one.

Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing
what do you mean by keyword research

Let’s take an example, say you type “gift ideas” into google, the word “gift ideas” is an example of a keyword.

Is the keyword search important and why?

The main purpose of keywords in SEO is to come up in search engines. When people search for keywords that should be relevant to your services. To stand at top of the results, you will need to add these keywords to your website.

Keyword searching is a blueprint for online marketing. It drives various decisions you make. It will make everything more efficient. And also if you don’t know the relevant keywords that should be at your site. Then it’s not possible to drive traffic, sales, and ROI at your site.

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Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

Step for keyword research?

There are many methods to do this. That can be either manually or by using a keyword research tool. Besides of methods you choose, there are certain steps to follow.

1. Know More About Your Topic

Before doing anything for keyword research. This will be the best that you start with learning deep about your topic. This can give you great ideas and discover different angles to SEO strategy. something might you have not thought of before.

  • You should talk with your existing customers. Try to know them. Get it out of the terms that your customers use to describe your service.
  • You need to think from your customer’s perspective. Try this way what if you want to share something about the service to your friend. Share it and treat your customer’s the same way.
  • Try to get include your topic to online communities such as forums and social media networks. Try to read the discussions and note down the important points regarding your topic.
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Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

2. Fill These Topics Buckets With Keyword

Now you got the topic buckets you want to focus on. This is the time for you to identify keywords that fall into these buckets. This is the keyword that you decide that its an important to rank in the SERPs.

The point of the step is not to finalize the list of keywords. It just needs to end up with choosing the keywords that you think customers might use to search for content.

Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing
Evolution of the keyword research

However, more keywords are getting encrypted daily by Google. And also if you are getting problems with relevant search terms. You can always go to your customer-facing employees. And just ask them what type of terms customers use.

3. Prepare a List Of Seed Keywords

Now you have the main category of different buckets of different keywords. You need to start preparing a list of seed keywords. These keywords should be relevant to your various topics. And the things that your target customers might be researching on google.

Seed keywords are also called as the focus keywords. These are as important as they are the foundation of keyword research.

If you thinking how to find the seed or focus keyword. Then you need to do is describe your service or product simple and clear. And also how other people might search for that on google.

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Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

4. Use Keywords Research Tools To Find Keywords

You might have thought that keyword research should have begun with searching a keyword tool? There are an advantage and a great perspective of doing so. This will help you to get more clearance about the keywords. It helps you gain a deep idea about your content and SEO strategy.

Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing
Top keyword research tools

Once you got your goals, topic, and list of seed keywords. This is the time to use them on research tools to further refine the search terms.

For this, you can use google keyword planner. Sadly, google only gives approx search volumes. you can use other keyword tools. This will give you a lot more detailed ideas on your search terms.

5. Understand And Analyze The Search Intent

Plugging to high-volume keywords to level up your rankings used to work easily. But this not easy these days. Google’s search algorithms compare search terms with the user’s query to know the search intent.

Search intent is the reason why people search for a specific term. There are various factors about users search.

They are:

  • The reason for their search?
  • The reason is a question or an answer?
  • The search is for a specific website?
  • Do they want to buy something?

Put yourself in your target customer’s shoes. Once you own a good idea about the intent of your potential customers. You will get to use to fine-tune your keyword research. Getting the list for high volume keywords relevant to your service.

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Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

6. Recognize Long Tail Keywords

Seed keywords frequently search terms that are closely relevant to your topic or category. Long-tail keywords are more descriptive keywords and are relevant to your brand. Matching the customer’s search intent to long-tail keywords is easy as compared to the seed keywords.

Let’s see an example if your website published content about Indian app reviews using the long-tail keywords. Such as “10 Indian apps and their reviews” will drag a more relevant audience. As compared to the seed keyword “Indian app reviews”.

However long-tail keywords get very few clicks. But they are focused on a specific topic. And they get a higher conversion rate.

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Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

7. Know Your Competitors

Doing only keyword research on google about your product is not enough. You need to know what steps your competitors are taking. The better you get to know the main idea of your organization, the better it will be for your SEO strategy to rank high.

Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing
steps for keyword research

You need to know the competitiveness of keywords. This will offer you the identifying searching terms that would be tough to rank. But you will get the keyword opportunity gaps. These occur when you get relevant keywords that are relevant to your brand. To know these keywords, you should perform a keyword search on the competitors.

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Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

Best Keyword For SEO?

You need to get this there’s nothing like “best” keywords. They are just highly searched terms by your users. This is your job to have a strategy that will get your page to rank high and drag more traffic.

The best keyword to your SEO strategy will take relevance, authority, and volume. You can find highly searched keyword based on:

  1. The competition level to your competitors.
  2. The ability to produce content that is more than what is currently ranking in terms of quality.
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Knowing These Secrets Will Make Your Keyword Research More Amazing

Here You Are Done With It!!!

And finally, you have the list of keywords that going to help you focus on the right topic. And will give you some short term and long term gains.

Re-evaluate those keywords in a month. Once a quarter is said to be good. Some organizations do it more often. As you will gain more authority in SERPs. You’ll get to know that you can add more keywords to your list. And keep growing in new areas on top.

Author: Sweta

Source :

Date : 2020-09-02T16:50:30.000Z

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