Marketing is one of the fundamentals of business success. Social media have become good platform to promote your services. Pinterest has become an essential platform for awareness and organic traffic to business websites because of its visual appeal and the massive number of users. Creating a Pinterest strategy for marketing your business is the perfect way to get started. Here is a guide for Pinterest marketing you can use for marketing your products.
Pinterest is one of the fastest growing and insanely popular platforms to connect with friends and influencers like other social media platforms. So, in today's competitive social media climate, it's more important than ever before to take every available opportunity to promote your brand cleverly effectively. Studies shows that 55% of users are specifically on the platform to find photos of new products and the platform is extremely powerful when it comes to driving website traffic.
Finding experts to guide you through strategies and best practices for utilizing Pinterest in your marketing plans can be a hugely valuable venture. This can save you a fortune on paid marketing in the future. Pinterest offers businesses a fairly unique proposition. By creating Pinterest business account, you can promote your brand like 500,000 other businesses. So, here's all you must know about Pinterest marketing.
Features of Pinterest
A "pin "is an image or graphic that a user can add to a board, and usually links back to another website or blog post.
Repinning, on the other hand, is like sharing content on Facebook and allows you to pin someone else's content to your own profile. Basically RePin is same as Retweet on Twitter.
LinkedIn has members, Instagram has ‘grammers; likewise Pinterest has Pinners. Anyone who uses Pinterest is known as “Pinner”.
Promoted Pins
Promoted pins are regular pins that companies have paid to promote like on Instagram. These pins appear in the home feed and search results and include a “Promoted” label. Promoted video pins, carousel, and app pins are also available. Learn more about Pinterest ad options.
Pinterest boards are like a group pins around a certain theme or topic. Boards contain content from similar categories with a shared theme or interest. As an example, one board may suggest" How to select a personal injury attorney," while another might be about "Advice for new parents."
Secret Boards
Secret boards allow you or those you've invited to access a board exclusively, while group boards allow multiple sharers on a particular board.
Save Button
The save button is a Pinterest browser plugin for Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge. You can install it on your website so that Pinners can save your products to their Pinterest boards.
Audience Insights
Pinterest business accounts have access to analytics via Audience Insights like Twitter. You can track the audience response to your pins using this feature.

What makes Pinterest unique for Marketing?
Pinterest is a platform that allows users to share and browse visual content for free. There are distinguishing features, though, that set it apart from other social media platforms. For starters, Pinterest allows pins to be linked back to your company website or other content in a specific board or category without paid advertising.
Most users save ideas and products that they're inspired by or wish to look at again in the future, and this can be anything from interior design tips and celebrity photos to parenting advice and DIY guides. Secondly, Pinterest and Pinterest Marketing focus more on research and inspiration than sharing one's personal life or current affairs and content can be bookmarked to view later.
Who can take Advantage of Pinterest marketing?
Although famous for food, travel, health, and décor, any industries that can offer tips, advice, infographics, and humor are the leading industries can take advantage of Pinterest marketing. Counseling services and attorneys frequently post advice and blog content, while financial advisers and real estate agents make use of the site to pin testimonials and industry tips. Pinterest is also responsible for more than 60% of social media sales, which is remarkable, given the immense competition it faces.
Why should You choose Pinterest for Marketing?
While other platforms like Twitter and Facebook have seen decreased traffic as a result of their changes to business pages, Pinterest has seen a steady increase at over 27%. Experts say that Pinterest pins are 100 times more spreadable than a tweet. For those who are proud of their content and would like to get more visibility, it's the ideal platform. Posts also offer longevity of traffic, managing to drive clicks years after an initial post.

The number of Pinners using Pinterest every month increased 28% to 367 million monthly active users which is higher than ever. It also provides some of the best return on investment available in online marketing today. This is because it connects everyone and that so many users are looking for companies to buy from on the platform.
Pinterest marketing - FAQs
Is Pinterest still relevant in 2020?
Yes, Pinterest is still relevant in 2020. One can still use Pinterest for boosting traffic to your site by posting new images, engaging descriptions, and creating organized Pinterest boards.
How do you get famous on Pinterest?
5 Effective ways to get famous on Pinterest
- Create New Images
- Write engaging descriptions.
- Include keywords in descriptions.
- Follow People
- Link Pinterest to your social Media Accounts
How effective is Pinterest for marketing?
Every site owner wants to drive sales and market his product or services to the fullest and the only way to do so is by bringing traffic to your site which Pinterest does effectively i.e Pinterest drives a ton of traffic.
Author: Lakshya Singh
Source : https://startuptalky.com/what-is-pinterest-marketing-and-how-can-you-benefit-from-it/
Date : 2020-09-15T09:30:00.000Z