How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?

How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?

There are so many ways to promote your business, one of them is catchy email signatures. Email signatures are not just a kind of digital signatures, they are an amazing marketing opportunity too. Importance of email signature is massive as they are the last thing people see in your emails. And its well said, “All is good if the end is good”. So, let’s know how to generate leads with creative email signatures.

There are no other marketing channels as effective and efficient as email marketing. But there still might be a use for email your team is overlooking -employee email. Below are some tips on how to make attractive email signatures that stand out and take advantage of this crucial space.

This is our first article on exhaustive guide on lead generation [100+ ways]

What is an Email Signature?

How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?

An email signature is a bunch of text and logo which appears at the end of sent emails. Email signatures mostly contain the logo for the company, the tagline, and the contact information. You can also target the CTA in email signature. For instance, a link to download an eBook, schedule an event, visit your blog or any social media, etc. CTA really works in your favor as at the end of the email, people have only two options, either to go back or to click the link. So, you have a 50% chance of getting the attention.

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How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?

Importance of Email Signature

Some of the importance that keeps email signatures alive are:

Look Professional

You never go for a business meeting in shorts, Tees, and flipflops. Then why sending emails so unprofessionally. Email signature shows that you are very professional about your business and profile.


They tell people, what to do now? You can actually ethically manipulate people to check your website or product out at the end of the email. Call-To-Action is a very important strategy to use for marketing your company.

Social Media Handles

You can add links to your social media handles and let people connect with you. Once people connect with you on social media, they will know you better and will probably try your product out. Mercedes Benz email signature is one of the great examples to learn from.

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How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?

Contact Info

If you provide your contact number and name in the email signature, people are more likely to call you. They might want to inquire about your company or even order the product.

These were some importance of email signature but they are just some of them. If we go to the psychological level of using email signatures, there are much more advantages we can have by using them in our emails.

How to Add an Email Signature

To add an email signature in Gmail you have to do the following steps:

  • Login to your Gmail and click the setting gear.
  • Select “Setting” from the menu that appeared.
  • Go to “General”.
  • Scroll down and you will find “Signature”.
How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?
  • Type whatever you want including the quote, contact number, etc.
  • After you are done with your signature, just click “Save Changes” at the end of the page.
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How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?

Now, whenever you will compose and send an email to anyone, your signature will be automatically get included in that email.

How to include the Signature Before Quoted text

If you want your signature to be shown before your message, you just have to tick the box saying “Insert this signature before quoted text in replies and remove the "--" line that precedes”. It is located just under the Signature box. Ticking this box will tell Gmail to include your email signature before the message.

How to include the Company’s Logo in Email Signature

You can easily include the logo or any image. All you have to do is to click on the image option in the signature box. Then just select the image you want to include and click “Select”.

Things to remember while creating Email Signature

  • Full Name The email signature must include your full name.
  • Picture Include a high-quality charming picture of yours.
  • Business Name Write your company’s name.
  • Profession Include your role in the company. Or you can also write “freelancer” if you are one.
  • Phone Number It is a most important thing. You must include your contact number in the signature. You can also add two numbers.
  • Social Accounts Add all your social media links in the signature. It will be easy for them to reach you.
  • Website Don’t forget to include your website link.
  • Logo Add your logo so that it creates brand awareness among people.
  • Tagline:  Create a catchy and unforgettable tagline for your company and include it in the signature.
  • Disclaimer:  It is not necessary, but if required then add the legal or any type of disclaimer.

These are some things you should always keep in your mind while writing the signature for your company.

How to make Email Signature easily and free

How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?

If you are not so creative person in designing and also lazy like me then you can go for some websites like Signature Creator, Wisestamp, Hubspot, etc. They will make your work so easy and provide many templates. The best thing is, they don’t ask for a single penny for it.

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How to Generate Leads with Email Signature?


Email signatures are very important if you have to send emails to people every now and then. The more attractive the email signature is, the more visitors or customers you get. So, try to give it more time while creating.

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Author: Parnas Ghosh

Source :

Date : 2020-08-31T17:25:00.000Z

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