How can Artificial Intelligence innovate the way we socialise?

Innovation in everything that we do is being driven by technology, including what we do on the internet. From social networking to our online searches, Artificial Intelligence assumes an undeniably significant role in studying our behaviour on digital media platforms and beyond.

The greater part of the decisions we make in our day-to-day lives is mostly guided by AI-driven recommendations on our cell phones, personal assistants, chatbots, social network, or other AI technologies.

Over 3.8 billion people are actively scrolling through one or the other social media platform such as Snapchat, LinkedIn, or YouTube at any given point of time. All these people and their conversations, searches, likes, dislikes, and more, are being thoroughly read to enable the machine to comprehend their preferences. The data collected helps these platforms offer relevant experiences customised for the user after studying their online behaviour, thus, saving time and energy.

If we look around, we can see that we are surrounded by not one but a gazillion tiny activities that involve Machine Learning or AI that help us through the day.

Some of the most common activities involve interacting with our favourite social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and what-have-you. It is because of their smart AI that they have aced the social networking game.

Artificial Intelligence-driven social media platforms and their unnoticed interesting features

Machine Learning is vital for almost every technology that we use today, especially the social networking platforms that we humans use and interact with.

Two out of every seven individuals in this day and age are hooked onto social media, especially during the lockdown. We are continuously sharing every bit of our lives on social media platforms as we scroll through the content we have willingly shared with the machines.

The greater part of the applications available in the online app market offers mostly similar features. However, new-age social media channels are setting the standards and are creating offbeat features that are AI-driven as per the users’ preferences.

For example, Facebook utilises AI to serve its users a one-of-a-kind customised social media interaction. The platform has designed a feature that recognises the user’s face from a photo or shows them content that is based on their recent searches, follows or likes.

Or, if we look at LinkedIn, the platform shows job recommendations that the user may be interested in based on their recent profile visits or information that is grasped by AI. LinkedIn also recommends connections to the users based on their profile visits and connections. Indeed, even Instagram makes the most of computer vision, an AI-driven innovation, to distinguish our facial highlights and overlay customised filters that move with our face.

Social media platforms such as these find ways around to make the experience on the platform for its users convenient and more personal, and that only happens as they continuously collect the users’ data and analyse their behaviour. However, is that it?

Way forward

With new-age social media apps vying for space, only those platforms which use AI to give users an edge and something useful will survive the competition.

For example: The shelf-life of content published on social media platforms is short; with so many people continuously uploading photos and videos, photos disappear in the data being uploaded after a few likes and comments. That is one of the areas where social media platforms could adopt AI-enabled features to offer users something more meaningful and long-lasting.

The ongoing research suggests that the social media apps that do not effectively integrate AI in their offering will find it challenging to stay relevant in the market and hence will be unable to survive the cut-throat competition.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

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Author :- Jitin Bhatia ( )
September 25, 2020 at 08:11PM

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