Homegrown social app Chingari crosses 30M downloads

Made-in-India short-video sharing platform Chingari announced that it has crossed more than 30 million downloads.

The social app said in a statement that it achieved the feat in a matter of three months, with content creators making a beeline to join it.

Chingari said it has also added AR (augmented reality) filters on its platform to give content creators more advanced front and rear camera tools to work with.

The "highest percentage" of Chingari users are in the 18-35 years category, it said.

In addition to English and Spanish, content on Chingari is available in Hindi, Bangla, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Punjabi, Malayalam, Tamil, Odia, and Telugu, the statement said.

Apart from India, the app is steadily increasing its user base in the UAE, the United States, Kuwait, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam, it added.

Chingari App


Earlier in August, Chingari raised an undisclosed amount of funding from Brian Norgard, the Chief Product Officer of Tinder; French entrepreneur Fabrice Grinda, Founder of OLX; and tech entrepreneur Guy Lelouch.

The funding comes just a few days after Chingari won the AatmaNirbhar App Innovation Challenge, a first-of-its-kind contest organised by the Government of India. Chingari was voted as the best app in the social media category. 

In the same month, the app had also raised a funding of $1.3 million in a seed round led by venture capitalists including AngelList India, Utsav Somani's iSeed, Village Global, LogX Ventures, and Jasminder Singh Gulati of NowFloats.

Chingari allows its users to download and upload videos, chat with friends, interact with new people, share content, browse through feed, and much more. A Chingari user can get creative with WhatsApp status, videos, audio clips, GIF stickers, and photos. The platform gives points (on per-view basis) to its content creators and these points can be redeemed for money.

(Disclaimer: Additional background information has been added to this PTI copy for context)

Edited by Kanishk Singh

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Link : https://yourstory.com/2020/09/social-app-chingari-crosses-30-million-downloads-aatmanirbhar-bharat
Author :- Press Trust of India ( )
September 21, 2020 at 07:11PM

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