Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India

Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India

The Internet of Things (IoT) is able to change the way we work and live. The ecosystem of connected physical objects, which are accessible via the internet, is called IoT.  If IoT comes to its full potential, it will change all areas of our lives. We can see that type of changes in the healthcare sector. In there, paper and pen are the primary means of documenting information of patients for decades. But now, healthcare technology is developing in a new way.

Digital health care applications allow patients to plan their appointments without having to wait for a receptionist and call to doctor's office. Also, it allows doctors to transfer information with patients through smartphones. Let us discuss about IoT healthcare companies in India. In recent years, there has been limited growth in the Indian healthcare sector with the country lagging behind in many health indicators.

Currently, India is the second-most populated country in the world. But, 20% of the global disease burden is in India. Also, infant mortality rates and maternal mortality rates are high in India. The Internet of Things (IoT) healthcare companies have the potential to transform our healthcare system into an efficient, integrated, and patient-centric system.

IoT healthcare companies in India

The Internet of Things (IoT) has got the attention of everyone in India. The Indian government announced that it plans to make a $15 billion IoT market in the country. Medical Council of India reported that the doctor-patient ratio is 1: 1,674 in India. In this situation, IoT can be a great leveler. Some of the IoT healthcare startups in India are given below.

Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India
IoT has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare sector in India

Spectral Insights

Spectral Insights is a technology company providing solutions and systems to solve the challenges in the healthcare industry.  The company was co-founded by Prasanth, Dipankar Das, Sumit Nath, Raghubansh Gupta, and Suhash Gerald in 2016. They have created a platform that provides innovative imaging, advanced analytics (AI/ML), and digital microscopy for the hospitals, pharma R&D, and clinical laboratories. The headquarters of the company is situated in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The company operate with pathology department to give anytime access to high-quality digital slide images (blood smear, biopsies, TB, pap smear, etc.). Also, it offers a comprehensive suite of analytical tools to their clients that improve accuracy, and objectivity. Spectral Insights is a multi-faceted platform with spectroscopy, optics, artificial intelligence, algorithms, data management, visualization, and cloud computing.

Top 10 Healthcare Business Ideas For Entrepreneurs in India(2020)
Healthcare is a rapidly developing industry in India and opportunities are always on the rise. The Healthcare sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors in India and by 2022 it is expected to grow up to 8.6 trillion. Looking at the current state of the world, the thing which we learned is the …
Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India

Forus Health

Forus Health is founded by a group of engineers in 2010. It is a medical technology startup with a goal to eliminate avoidable blindness. Over the years, they have developed technology solutions to increase affordability and access to eye care. The first product of the company is 3nethra classic. It is a portable and compact non-mydriatic fundus camera used for taking digital images of the anterior (cornea) and posterior (retina) segments of the eye.

The device will help to identify common eye problems such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataract, ARMD,  etc. Also, it is integrated with a cloud-based telemedicine platform that enables remote diagnosis. There are 40 million peoples who are blind in the world. In that, 15 million peoples are living in India. The major reasons for this problem is the high cost of treatment/surgery, limited access to eye care facilities,  and lack of awareness.  The aim of Forus Health is to utilize technology to reduce diagnostic costs, increase access, and raise awareness.

FindMyHealth Company Profile - Startup that Combines AI and Ayurveda for Health Monitoring
Artificial Intelligence is now penetrating almost every existing domain. Finance, healthcare, education, transportation and many sectors are witnessing active use of AI. The idea of this startup was born when Gaurav Bhalotia realised there is a lot to health beyond medicine, and that our bodies need…
Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India

Cardiac Design Labs

Cardiac Design Labs is founded by Anand Madanagopal in 2011. The headquarters of the company is situated in Bengaluru, Karnataka. They offer diagnosis and cardiac monitoring by deploying intelligent systems that give automatic remote reporting. It saves both cost and time. Their aim is to provide advanced diagnostics to the peoples in an affordable way. The company has created a wearable device named MIRCaM (Mobile Intelligent Remote Cardiac Monitor).

That device is able to provide real-time cardiac monitoring and diagnosis in remote settings. In India, there are only 4000 cardiologists for 64 million cardiac patients. Anand Madanagopal believes MIRCaM can bridge this gap. They have a core team of experts, from different disciplines, including material science engineers, cardiologists, software and system hardware engineers.

3Hcare Success story - Find Best Healthcare Services
Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified information on different startups and organizations. The content in this post has been a pproved by the organization it is based on. Diagnostics tests are done to find if a person has a certain disease. An accurate diagnostic test…
Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India


Bagmo Pvt Ltd is founded by Ashfaq Ashraf, Anas Dalinatakam, and Arshad KA in March 2017. The headquarters of the company is situated in Kochi, Kerala. The aim of the company is to eliminate the lack of blood availability in rural India. They created a blood bag monitoring device. It will monitor the temperature of blood bags during storage and transportation.Each blood donation will be recorded on the cloud platform. After the testing, the components (blood cells, plasma, platelets) will be stored in separate bags.

This B2B company helps to improve communication and logistics issues. Also, it helps reduce the wastage at blood collection centers. An RFID (radio frequency identification) card is connected to each bag. The refrigerator that stores the bag and it's unique ID will be stored in the cloud. In blood requirement cases, the individual/hospital needs to enter the details in the cloud. Then the blood bag monitoring device shows which bag is suitable for the requirement and in which refrigerator that bag is stored.

Netmeds - Leading India’s Online Pharmacy Segment
Company Profile is an initiative by StartupTalky to publish verified information on different startups and organizations. The content in this post has been a pproved by the organization it is based on. Over a short period, e-commerce has gained much popularity in India, alluring the younger generat…
Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India

How IoT healthcare companies changing the healthcare sector

There are so many obstacles to the growth of the health care system. It includes increasing cost of care, shortage of medical professionals, the lack of adequate infrastructure, lack of access to quality health care in rural and remote areas, and the increase in chronic diseases. The IoT healthcare startups in India can help to meet the demands of today’s increasingly patients. Some of the benefits are given below.

Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India
Advantages of IoT in healthcare

1. Improves the quality of healthcare

IoT healthcare startups enable easy access to healthcare data of patients via simultaneous reporting and monitoring through connected devices. It will enhance the ability of healthcare providers to offer customized treatments for patients and evidence-based treatments. Also, It ensures the wider coverage of patients and a shorter treatment cycle.

2. Reduced medical costs and errors

IoT helps to monitor health parameters using mobile health applications and diagnostic tools. Also, it gives live reports to doctors via interconnected devices. Medical personnel can make decisions by using this collection of health data. It will reduce medical errors.  As a result, hospital stays, re-admissions, and unnecessary visits to the hospital will be reduced.

3. Healthcare accessibility in rural areas

The IoT can increase the reach of quality healthcare to rural places via remote health monitoring. IoT enabled patients who live in remote villages to connect with doctors in urban specialty hospitals from their homes.

IoT Start-ups In India- The Power To Change The Indian Startup Ecosystem
Have you ever imagined a scenario where humans converse with machines just like C3PO and R2D2 in Star Wars? Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant or Apple’s Siri are already becoming a part of our family! Connecting every machine with internet is what IoT stands for. CAGR report aptly quoted that IoT mar…
Analysis About IoT Healthcare Companies In India

Therefore, IoT with its far-reaching benefits and patient-centric approach has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare sector in India.  But for making a maximum result, support infrastructures should be more strengthened. It includes a low cost of IoT-enabled devices, Internet availability and reliability, strong IT framework, data security and privacy, and seamless user experience.

Author: ATHUL C K

Source :

Date : 2020-09-21T20:53:49.000Z

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