‘The coronavirus crisis is a catalyst for entrepreneurship’ — 20 quotes from India’s COVID-19 struggle

Launched in 2014, StoryBites is a weekly feature from YourStory, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week. This special series of compilations focuses on India’s COVID-19 struggle (see last week’s post here). Share these quotes and excerpts with your networks, and check back to the original articles for more insights.

The pandemic is a sharp reminder that nature does not need humans — it will continue to go on and evolve — but we humans need it for our own survival. - Ila Paliwal, ‘The Earth Symphony’

Every individual infected with the virus tends to develop different symptoms. - Usha Holla, Lokamanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and Hospital

Our frontline workers need community support and correct upgraded skill set as they are assigned the crucial role of screening and awareness generation at the grassroots level. - Gaurav Jain, RB Health

People are still wary of dining in and prefer to take away or order online. - Vasudev Adiga, Sri Anantheswara Foods

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the child labour situation is increasing in our country. People have lost their jobs, and there is no learning happening; these students are falling back on their education. - Richa Prashant, Sunaayy Foundation

There is a dire need for an end-to-end Student Lifecycle Management System to give students a seamless experience, especially during COVID times, and in the new and changed post-COVID world. - Akshay Shah, iWeb Tech

As people have been losing jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic, it has highlighted the importance of training in every organisation and the importance of trained manpower. - Ankit Shyamsukha, ICA Edu Skills

The ongoing financial crisis has impacted several organisations. Many have had to explore how they will survive during these times and make tough decisions. - Puroitree Majumdar, YourDOST

Some small firms and startups will find difficulties to tide over the crisis, and raising money is getting difficult now. - Manish Taneja, Purplle

MSMEs have been hit in the first quarter. We project at least 20-22 percent decline in the revenues of the sector. - Isha Chaudhary, CRISIL

Due to COVID-19, we are seeing SMEs adopt technology at a pace never seen before. - Puneet Chandok, AWS

COVID-19 disrupted the ecosystem but it also accelerated digital migration. Rural India is seeing a V-shaped recovery. - Mark Kahn, Omnivore

Those who are experiencing the benefits of doing things this (online) way, you can expect them to continue doing it this way on the other side of the crisis. - Byju Raveendran

The COVID-19 crisis has further emphasised the importance of knowledge management in service delivery. - Vineet Jain, EY

The new norm of doing business in the new economic environment will be digital. - Prem Kumar, SnapBizz

Post COVID-19, the demand will bounce back, including pent up demand. New models will come up to solve the challenges of the new normal, leading to more opportunities for investors to participate. - Ashish Sharma, Aye Finance

If your business delivers great value, then you will catch up with your intended valuation in the future. - Naveen Raju, TiE Mumbai

India’s amazing entrepreneurial mindset enabled startups and MSMEs to continue delivering tablets, mobile phones and computers to people’s homes in the middle of the pandemic. - Deepak Bagla, Invest India

The coronavirus crisis is a catalyst for entrepreneurship. Throughout human history, crises have been pivotal in developing our societies. - Geetha Ramamurthy, GiGa Innovation Centre

YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).

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Link : https://yourstory.com/2020/08/storybites-coronavirus-quotes-entrepreneurship
Author :- Madanmohan Rao ( )
August 17, 2020 at 07:20AM

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