SpeaQin – A Made in India Video Conferencing Solution

SpeaQin Images 4SpeaQin Images 4Driven by the demand for remote and virtual work, 2020 has exposed us to the necessity of video conferencing be it at any corner of the world. An individual today, is not just dependent on the phone he/she uses but feels the importance to be productive and get acquainted to the new aged technology. Standing tall to the consumer’s demands and requirements, A Pune based B2B Technology and scalable demand generation company, VLMS – Verified Leads & Marketing Services Global successfully launches its homegrown video conferencing solution called ‘SpeaQin’ (Spea:king), on 5th August, 2020 a Made in India video conferencing […]
Author: IndianWeb2 Desk

Source : https://www.indianweb2.com/2020/08/27/speaqin-a-made-in-india-video-conferencing-solution/

Date : 2020-08-27T03:53:29.000Z

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