Why Did Tata Nano Car Fail To Attract Customers? [Tata Nano Case Study]

Why Did Tata Nano Car Fail To Attract Customers? [Tata Nano Case Study]

The Tata Nano is a reduced city vehicle that was produced and showcased by Indian automaker Tata Motors over a solitary age, principally in India, as a modest back engined hatchback expected to speak to current riders of bikes and bikes — with a dispatch cost of one lakh rupees or US$2500 in the year 2008. Various elements of offers volume, including delays during the production line migration from Singur to Sanand, early cases of the Nano bursting into flames, the impression of the vehicle being perilous, and lacking quality because of cost slicing prompted expanded unwavering quality.

Tata Motors anticipated creation of 250,000 every year at dispatch, really accomplishing offers of 7591 for the model year 2016-17. The task lost cash for Tata, affirmed by previous Tata Sons administrator Cyrus Mistry and affirmed by current Tata Motors management. In 2017, Tata Motors said assembling would proceed because of Tata's passionate promise to the project. In 2018, Cyrus Mistry, previous Chairman of the Tata Group, called the Tata Nano a venture in progress with China, with generation overhauled in May 2018.

Tata Motors Stepping Into Business
Initial Effects Of Tata Nano
Marketing And Business Strategy Of Tata Nano
Why Did Tata Nano Fail?
Coming Back Of Tata Nano

Why Did Tata Nano Car Fail To Attract Customers? [Tata Nano Case Study]
Tata Nano

Tata Motors Stepping Into Business

After effectively propelling the ease of Tata Ace truck in 2005, Tata Motors started the advancement of a reasonable vehicle that would speak to the numerous Indians who ride motorcycles. The price tag of this nitty-gritty auto was brought somewhere around getting rid of most superfluous highlights, diminishing the measure of steel utilized in its development, and depending on ease Indian labor.

The superfluous highlights incorporate, evacuation of the traveler's side wing mirror, having one wiper sharp edge, having just three fasteners for every wheel, expulsion of the fuel filler top from the fuel tank. The presentation of the Nano got much media consideration because of its low cost of 1 lakh rupees (Rs. 100,000). Some limited-time material named the vehicle as "The People's Car".

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Initial Effects Of Tata Nano

Desires made for the vehicle during the keep running up to its creation may have been out of extent with its acknowledged achievement. A recent report, by Indian rating office CRISIL, figured the Nano would extend the country's vehicle advertising by 65%, in any case, starting late 2012, news reports have definite the disappointing reaction of the Indian purchaser to the offering; deals in the initial two monetary years after the vehicle's divulging stayed unfaltering at around 70,000 units even though Tata seems purpose on keeping up an ability to deliver the vehicle in a lot bigger amounts, somewhere in the range of 250,000 every year, should the need arise.

It was foreseen that its 2009 presentation would significantly influence the trade-in vehicle market, and costs dropped 25–30% before the launch. Sales of the Nano's closest rival, the Maruti 800, fell by 20% promptly following the disclosing of the Nano. It is obscure if the Nano has lastingly affected the costs of and interest for close substitutes. In July 2012, Tata's Group administrator Ratan Tata, who resigned in January 2014, said that the vehicle had huge potential in the creating scene while conceding that early open doors were squandered because of starting problems. Due to the business drops, just a solitary unit was delivered in June 2018.

Why Did Tata Nano Car Fail To Attract Customers? [Tata Nano Case Study]
Making Of Tata Nano

Marketing And Business Strategy Of Tata Nano

India is an organization with a larger part of its populace dwelling as a low pay gathering. Purchasing a vehicle is as yet a fantasy for some individuals in India. Vehicles are limited carefully to individuals having a place with the upper working-class or more them. In any case, in the year 2008, Ratan Tata under the standard of Tata Motors constrained reported the dispatch of its new vehicle, which would be a progressive item in the car division. He called it a 1 lakh Rupee vehicle as was promoted in all the broad communications the country over.

The fantasy of a Middle and even lower white collar class family unit to have their very own vehicle woke up with this declaration from Tata Motors. It was hailed to be the cutting edge innovation and was commended by International media also. Be that as it may, it was an entirely unexpected story that unfurled when the vehicle moved on the streets.

In this report remembering the subject Consumer conduct, I would try my endeavors to break down the case from the Consumer conduct imminent with the key occasions being,

India Customer's Needs

Tata's flash for the Nano came when he saw groups of 3-4 individuals utilizing a motorbike for transportation. There are a great many bicycles in India and it has constantly presented wellbeing worries for the general population. In blend with the poor street conditions in India and conveying a full family on a bike, bikers are associated with numerous mishaps. Goodbye thought if there is an approach to make a vehicle shoddy enough that these bicycle riders will do the change to a vehicle, it will be an enormous achievement.

His strategical view drove making a low spending vehicle and chose that the 1 Lakh Rupee sticker price will be appealing to the objective market. Goodbye's virtuoso methodology was to focus on the bike showcase instead of the vehicle market to cause a move in worldview in the car to advertise. Key arranging can come whenever and for Tata's situation was an unconstrained perception helped him to design an appealing recommendation.

Also read : List of 24 Startups Funded by Ratan Tata


At the point when Tato Nano has declared in the long stretch of January 2008, it was over-advertised to be the vehicle of each Indian. The cost of Nano was said as Rs. 1 lakh or $2500, as said by Ratan Tata, the Chairman of the Tata Group by then of time. It turned into a fantasy vehicle for each individual having a place with the lower working class and even the lower class. Anyway, the service of the vehicle additionally raised worries about the blockage on streets that the vehicle would acquire as individuals may begin to utilize it normally for their everyday transportation.

Strategic Plans

TATA Motors fundamentally Segmented and focused on the accompanying gatherings of the Indian populace,

  • The Middle class. Fundamentally the lower white-collar class.
  • Upper lower class. Normally the bike clients.
  • Family with 3-4 individuals who have inconveniences while going on a 2-wheeler.

Goodbye Motors situated the vehicle according to the accompanying catch lines and mottos, 1 lakh vehicle to satisfy everything you could ever hope for! Autos are not only for the rich.

Goodbye Nano was propelled in the portion of being a cost chief in the wide market to pull in the greatest number of the populace. We can put it in the quadrant as appeared in the image beneath at the purpose of the time of its dispatch.

Why Did Tata Nano Car Fail To Attract Customers? [Tata Nano Case Study]
World's Cheapest Car - Tata Nano

Affordability And Family Friendly Usage

Tata Nano being propelled in the Indian market is presently enabled to the normal man of India to dream to possess his very own vehicle. The promotions and media productions featured the passionate remainder demonstrating the joy of youngsters when they see a vehicle coming their home and the joy on the substance of the relatives who delineated a white-collar class gathering.

The battling India class who had a month to month pay of under Rs.6000 every month and comprised more than 110 million families likewise got the consolation to dream of purchasing a vehicle. Mr. Ramesh Mangaleswaran, the accomplice of McKinsey and co anticipated that in Mumbai alone the 2 million individuals who rode a cruiser ordinary would now attempt to lift themselves to purchase a Tata Nano. It was likewise expected that Tata Nano would make a progressive change in the way of life, uncommonly concerning the substitution of the regular man and would turn into a face of the Indian lower class simply like Bajaj Scooter once moved toward becoming for the white-collar class.

Also read : Ratan Tata - The Accidental Startup Investor

Why Did Tata Nano Fail?

Why Did Tata Nano Car Fail To Attract Customers? [Tata Nano Case Study]
Reasons Why Nano Failed

Ratan Tata stayed faithful to his obligation and the Indian market saw Nano set on the streets in the long stretch of July 2009. Toward the starting the deals for the vehicle were high however bitten by bit it began to decay on an every month premise. There are a few reasons of failure that have been made sense of for a ruin that way.

Downfalling Image

  • TATA nano ventures itself as the least expensive vehicle.
  • No one needs to drive the least expensive vehicle.
  • Purchasing a vehicle is identified with economic wellbeing and distinction in the public arena.
  • "Cheap" and "lakhtakia" utilized for advancement and showcasing all over India disturb its image.
  • The entire Tata engines group got stunned. They wreck their item.
  • There was a buzz in the universal media. What if it gets fruitful than the second-hand market will reach an end.
Why Tata Nano Failed?

Problems With Car

  • After this awful picture of the shoddy vehicle.
  • TATA got another stroke. Along these lines, numerous nano gets fires. This makes a total buzz in media.
  • regardless of the low value, everybody dithers to purchase due to the flame.
  • each channel covering its news and talked underhanded about nano. In any case, they are correct.
  • Not fit at all to be utilized in sloping territories.
  • There were episodes of motor bursting into flames and an abundance of warming.
  • The motor used to make a great deal of clamor and individuals even began contrasting it and an auto.
  • Insides were dull with inadequate leg space.
  • The whole assemblage of Nano was light and would get spoilt regardless of whether somewhat knock.

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Other Reasons

  • TATA Nano got around 200000 appointments at first. This made them likely feel self-satisfied and they didn't trouble for ad-libbing of actualizing any new publicizing procedure to keep the enthusiasm of the individuals unblemished. When the main flame episode was accounted for, the ad system pursued from now on just looked responsive and upgraded rather negative attention.
  • Nano was viewed as focused on the individuals who had never thought of purchasing a vehicle. It was focused on engine cycle riders, recycled vehicle proprietors, and different families in the lower white collar class gathering. Presently this prompted a to some degree opposing circumstance. According to the intended interest group, the media and the general public acknowledged this as a Poor man's vehicle.
  • Anyway, Ratan Tata in his previous question and answer sessions had referenced that he needed to position Tata Nano as a 'reasonable, all climate family vehicle". So it was an unmistakable crisscross in the idea that Ratan Tata had it in his psyche and how the advertisers situated it in the market.
  • At the point when Nano later raised its cost to conquer the negatives of the principal model, the cost turned out to be a lot higher. The top-end Model of Tata Nano is by and by (2014) cited at an on-street cost of around Rs.2.6 lakhs in Bangalore as is the cost in different places too. This sort of evaluating with the equivalent Nano model which the poor man likewise claimed, confounded the clients.
  • As referenced before individuals in India while purchasing the vehicle likewise consider the economic wellbeing they would get related to if they drive the vehicle. So the clients thought of rather including a couple of progressively thousands and purchasing another vehicle in the market which was over and again and reliably doing good, like MARUTI.
Why Did Tata Nano Car Fail To Attract Customers? [Tata Nano Case Study]
Cheap Nano

Coming Back Of Tata Nano

In the year 2013 Tata engines re-propelled Tata Nano with every new component and publicizing efforts. The re-dispatch concentrated essentially on,

Focusing on the young people of the nation the new Nano had extravagant settings like settings and shading blends, for example, ranch side or experience sports. The ads and crusades this time concentrated on the adroitness factor. They taught the planned clients on "Why not purchase a Nano when it gives everything at a deep discounted". It additionally featured indeed the Rational advantage of Fuel productivity in another manner.

This time Tata Nano pursued another sort of crusade altogether. They began to support programs on MTV that energized experience sports and stretched out the crusade to National TV. Like the arrangement Roadies circulated on MTV where the members need to go on a Hero Karizma, they attempted to execute a comparable technique where the members were approached to traverse India in a Tata Nano. This additionally featured how intense the vehicle was fabricated.

It concentrated on the passionate parts of a parent and promoted such that guardians can give their children a Tata Nano as opposed to giving them bicycles as a vehicle is contrasted more secure with a bicycle. This would likewise make them brilliant guardians.

Link : https://startuptalky.com/tata-nano-case-study/
Author :- Devashish Shrivastava
June 11, 2020 at 12:00PM
StartupTalky - Your Entrepreneurial Journey Starts Here! 

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