How To Start Etsy Shop - A Complete Guide

How To Start Etsy Shop - A Complete Guide

This is a click by click walkthrough if how you go about setting up your own Etsy shop. If you have looked at the setting up an Etsy shop before it can seem a little bit overwhelming. So, whether you're not confident in your computer skills or honestly by this point your mind has been so consumed with making the things that you want to sell an Etsy.

You don't have the time or energy to learn something else. By the end of this, you will see that setting up your own Etsy shop nothing to it all. So, before we get started before we set up our shop there will be a few things that will need to have prepared to make setting up our shelf that much easier.

As of 2019, more than 2.5 million dealers sold interests through the Etsy strategy, up from 2.1 million effective sellers in the last year. By comparison, there were over 39.4 million active Etsy buyers worldwide.

How To Start Etsy Shop - A Complete Guide

The very first thing we are going to want to do is to go to We are going to go to sell on Etsy it's going to take to a landing page. Then open up Etsy shop and enter your email address. Then fill out some personal information. Technically Etsy shop is open. Now it's just up to us to decorate it and make it look like how we want. The first page is going to be our shop preferences. Most of that is going to be auto-populate.

The only thing you have to fill out on this page is the questions. It's basically for its ease of statistical purposes. You can click whatever applies. Go to save and continue. Now we pick the name of our shop. We are going to check the availability. We will save and continue. Now, we can't change that once later but just a good idea go ahead and make sure you got the name that you want. Now we jump into what we are going to start adding our listings. This is what you will do the most while you are on.

Go line by line. The first thing we are going to go ahead and add our photos. The pixel size on this needs to be at least 1500 pixels. If you pick one smaller it will have blank spots on the side. So, whenever when somebody opens up the picture they won't fill up the screen. We can app up to ten pictures it gives you a suggestion for every picture. Pictures from either side dimensional, pictures of lifestyle.

Just fill the ten pictures whatever you want. Your thumbnail picture is always going to be your first picture. That's what people are going to see as they are going through search. The good thing about that is we can't adjust our thumbnail. Click on adjust thumbnail and here we can move it around, zoom in and out. Get how we want it and how we want people to see it as they are viewing us in search. This was the first step towards starting a etsy shop.

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Listing Of Items

Then move on to the listing description. The first is going to be the title. Pretty self-explanatory is the part of the Etsy's algorithm of how things come up in search. So, you want to be specific because this is how they are going to place your items in different categories and most of the people are going to find you when they enter search terms. You can add other descriptions too.

That is going to describe that candle or that item. (In this article, we will be seeing a maximum about the candles). Next is fill in the blanks as we go down about the mistake who made it. Etsy allows you to sell vintage clothing and craft supplies. If we were collaborating with another shop or if you were selling vintage clothing or supplies you would pick that but for about everything, we are going to pick.

It's either going to be a finished product or like I said if it's the craft supply you will pick that. There's always going to be a finished product for our stuff. Then pick which category falls in. This used to be a very complicated series of drop-down boxes. Etsy has simplified it basically we are going to type in what our item is. It's going to give us options in the drop-down box for which would best apply to the item that we listing. Make nice listing for your etsy shop products.

Description About Items

Move into the description section. This is not necessary but Etsy does have a search option where people can refine their search. So, if you don't have these click you may not be included in those search options. For example, the primary color for this one is going to be white. If somebody were searching and they search specifically for white candles if you didn't have this picked you wouldn't show up in their search.

So, it's best to fill out as many as boxes you can. Also, it has room options on what rooms this might go in. This may be different for other items or for candles it gives you some options. Whatever options it gives you it's best to be as specific as you can because when people narrow down their search options and you want to be able to show up in their search. Be very descriptive about the your etsy shop products.

According To Occasion

Again with the occasion. Whatever options that best apply you want to pick them because again it's going to help you be found in their search. Now renew options. You do have renewal options. It's a 20 cent fee to A Etsy. Every time you're a new item you can't set it manually. It will renew manually every six months you will have to go in and renew it and if said it is automatic any time somebody buys that item.

It will automatically renew it. The benefit of that is every time it's are listed or renewed it appears as a fresh item. It appears to make your shop more active which will give you boost in search so even though it does cost it's a pretty minimal fee. So, my suggestion is to always check the automatic listing fee will help keep your listings in your shop fresher.

Type Of Product

How To Start Etsy Shop - A Complete Guide
Etsy Products

Next is your type it's either a physical or they are digital. Most of the items are going to be physical for those of you that sell digital downloads you had to take that. The description basically will write the best description we can. This is where a person says when they click on our item description to decide whether or not they want to buy it so you do want to make it as welcoming and as inviting as possible. You want to be a little bit more descriptive than that for the time you get the idea. Hence, provide best possible description of your etsy shop products.

Production Partner

The next box is your production partner with your etsy shop, again if you were collaborating with another shop perhaps if you made half of an item then you bought the rest of the item another shop you would need to list that shop or person as a production partner.

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Tags For Products

This is one of the most important things. I'm not going to go into the Etsy algorithm itself. Mainly because it's all guesswork there's an actual release what their search algorithm is. There are several different methods you can use and do quite well. I'm going to keep simple for now I'm not going to go into those because it takes more time. Tags are your descriptors that are going to help your item be found.

It's accurate descriptors of your item that somebody may search. For example, if I have listed one tag as a dear candle so if a customer is on the search phase and they search for dear candle. Hopefully, my item will come in their search. You can add up 13 and so they appear when you add them each tag and can have up to 21 characters.

If you want to go ahead and use many as use can because we want our listing to be packed with as much as information and be as complete as possible to increase our odds of being found in search again with the materials you are going to list the materials that you have used to make your item. Now, you want to be correct and accurate because this material listing does show on the search page. Finding right tags for your etsy shop products is important.

Pricing And Inventory

There are two different ways you can do this. I will tell you the most common one first. At this point, you should have already determined what your price is going to be. So, we will say this candle will sell for 995 but can also add variations. Let's say that the candle came to a different sense or different colors. We go to add variation choose a variation type and make them different colors. We can set the price and quantity for each variation. Let's say they were going to be different prices for each etsy shop products or we had a different amount of each of them.

We would pick prices to vary for each color and/or quantities vary for each primary color. So, we are all set we are going to go save this. Now, we can enter the individual prices and quantity for those variations. We will say the white one costs 995 and then the purple one costs 1095. When somebody searches and looks at our listing that's what they are going to see.

The last thing in that category is the SKU or the stack keeping unit. This is optional that is has nothing to do with. That's just an option that you would have for your shop. If you had a really big shop where you have a lot of items you might use SKUs with those as a way of keeping up with your inventory but for the most part, people are going to have those. So, we are going to leave that blank.

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You can't offer personalization depending on what you sell that may or may not be an option for you but if it's we are going to go ahead and click it. It will give you a place to give instructions to your customers about how you want them to describe their personalization to you. That's is generic but that's going to give people a general idea of what I want from them. If they are requesting personalization.

Shipping Of Etsy Product

This part is a little bit tricky. It offers you a lot of options. If you are not familiar with shipping at all this part will confuse you. Let's break it down. Two different categories you have calculated shipping whereas it figures out everything for you or you have manual cost shipping where you enter all the cost yourself. You can't do the best bet is to go ahead and let Etsy calculate the shipping for your etsy shop product.

That way you don't undercharge or overcharge. Set to the default we are going to go ahead and add our zip code. Selecting our processing time this is the time that it is going to take us to get it out the door from the time the person orders it. So, if it is not the ready-made item you have on your shelf and you can get it mailed to them within one to two business days. You would check the appropriate block if it's a made to order an item that is going to take you time to gather supplies and make.

You can't go to the extreme of several months to your custom range just depending on how long it's going to take you to make and ship the item from the time of customers' orders. Keep in mind that people are likely to order an item that is going to ship quicker, special around the holidays which is going to be your busy time for Etsy. Check the quickest time that you can make it out the door without being late.

Etsy automatically defaults to the shipping locations. It has shipping Worldwide. You can pick each country that you want to ship to. If you wanted to ship to Asia but only wanted to ship to China and Japan you unclick everything else or if you only wanted to ship domestically you unclick everything and leave north America.

It's going to give us options for the actual shipping services again it's going to default to everything. You may or may not want to make every shipping option available to your customers but at a minimum, I would suggest picking priority mail and first-class. Etsy offers to ship free but doesn't use it because shipping is expensive so unless you are going to roll it into your price which makes your competition with other shippers shipping the same items that you did.

It does give the option to offer a handling fee perhaps if you ship a large item that requires a lot of expensive packing supplies. You do have the options for adding an upcharge for those packing supplies rather than rolling that into the price of your item. We can name our shipping profile and save it.

We can create many different shipping profiles to be able to select those for the different items that we are selling then as we get to that part in the listing it will have our list of created profiles and we can click which one applies to that item or the calculated that is the shipping profile we just created.

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Item Dimensions

It's calculated shipping. Etsy needs to know the size of our packaging and how much our item weighs. You can determine how much the post office is going to charge us to ship that item. For that candle, we are going to say that box to put it in is 4 inches by 4 inches and it weighs 13 ounces. You can see it automatically calculate the shipping for us.

If we had International shipping clicked it would show us how much it would cost a ship to each country. Once we click publish it will show all the shipping and shop information it has. The preview looks very basic for now because we haven't done anything with our shop. Once we do the shop info later more will show up. Then click Save and continue.

Email For Marketing

First of all, is going to be an email. You can use your email because you're going to get a lot of emails from Etsy. Not spam type emails but they will send you a lot of notification and help guys things like that information that you're going to need that you won't want to be lost in the shuffle of your day to day emails.

Credit Card For Billing

You are going to need a credit card to set up your billing and banking information. In addition to all that you're going to need a lot of pictures. You need pictures of the listings of the items that you are looking to sell. You need your banner clipart and shop icon clipart, your profile picture. Maybe a few action shots for your about section. So, we will talk about all of those as we come to one quick side note before we start.

How We Get Our Money

You are going to click the appropriate country and it's going to default to that country's currency. Then you need to put your banking information and personal information. Once you guys get completed with your information hit save and continue. It will send the confirmation email to the email address we entered originally. Click on confirm my account and it will take us back into Etsy.

Closeout the initial page we had opened because it's not going to let us go past. Go and open up the dashboard and go shopping manager. Now add our credit card information. This is how you are going to pay Etsy for the money that you owe them for listings or renewal fees or shipping labels that you buy from them. Then click the open shop.

Then you'll see the landing page. Go into edit shop and this is where we are going to decorate it and make it stand out. If you have ever seen an Etsy shop you have seen that big banner across the top it. Several different sizes are available. You can go without a banner, go with a big banner, mini banner.

Choose a big banner because of it's bigger obviously and stands out a little bit more. The dimensions for small is 1200 and 160 and 1200 and 300 for the big one. So, once done it's going to open up the image box. All we need to do is select an image. You needed to prepare beforehand. A couple of different ways you can get this. You can go to on the next page in the picture creation tab. It gives an option for creating an Etsy banner.

If you are familiar with canvas and do it yourself or if you are not creative enough or don't want to do it yourself you can rely on the good folks at People there tell you to want. They got take people that freelance and do this on their own can do anything you want for a small price anywhere from five dollars up to whatever amount they charge depending on the amount of work they put in. Those two options, in my opinion, are the best bet for getting a hold of some cover art for your Etsy shop. If happy with that then click save.

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Shop Icon

It's her picture and branding you can add. What a lot of people will do is they will put some sort of decorative shop banner. You can change this periodically maybe with the seasons of Christmas. This is mostly where you are going to showcase your products for the shop icon that is where your branding is going to go. The size dimensions on these are 500 by 500 pixels and again a great place to get this for. This would be on canvass or Fiverr or whatever imaging software you are used to using.


You can't leave it blank. It doesn't matter but if you want to show people, where you are from you, can edit here. That is something some people will look at. They will base their buying decision based on where the person is. Hence, provide the location for your etsy shop.

How To Start Etsy Shop - A Complete Guide
Get Good logo For Your Etsy Shop

This would be a picture of you. It seems very personal. People like to see who they are buying from. You can add or change your contact information. To do that open up the contact information and click on your name and this will be where you would add your picture and edit your profile information by adding different descriptors. Get the best possible logo for your etsy shop.

This allows us to add a featured listing to the top of our shop perhaps if it was a hot item we wanted to push. We could feature this at the top of our shop anytime somebody entered our shop it would be the first thing they saw.

Shop Announcements

You can change this periodically based on what's going on with your shop if you have added any new item. You can add something like check out the new items with dirt whatever applies. Quick message people are going to see when they first open your shop.

About Section

It allows us to show and tell people about our shop. Etsy is personable people want to know and see who they are buying from. So, this sort of gives us the option to tell our story. We can add a few photos that are usually a good idea to have like possibly a few action shots from your etsy shop.

You can add a description briefly describing what's happening in that picture. People like to see their items being made handmade. Along the same line, and adds the story of your shop. You can add social media links. Additionally, there will be a shop member bio section. If you were a husband and wife team you would each have your bio.

Shop Policies

Etsy defaults to its simple default shell policies. Leave it those just how they are. You can set the guidelines for when you will and will not accept those returns to exchanges.


You are not going to know a lot of those at first but as you have your shop open for a while you are going to be asked a lot of different questions you can have those or if it's something that you wanted to go ahead and tell people about you just pretend that it is a commonly asked question.

View Our Shop

It's got our shop banner, branding icon, all our information once we start making sales. It will reflect the items that we featured earlier and all of our listings currently we have in our shop.

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Author :- Devashish Shrivastava
May 18, 2020 at 12:00PM
StartupTalky - Your Entrepreneurial Journey Starts Here! 

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